
rigorism n.過分嚴厲,嚴肅主義,嚴格主義。n.-ist


Part three paretively study the law of protection for disadvantages . it stresses particularly on the american , german and sweden into which we probe the experience is social welfare polycentrism , social run oneness , executive rigorism and jurisdiction authoritism . meanwhile , the thesis points out that disadvadvantages must be properly protected in the priniciple of either survive or competition 第三章,弱勢群體保護的比較法考察。在對德國、美國和瑞典弱勢群體的法律保護進行分析比較的基礎上,認為這些國家弱勢群體保護的成功經驗是實行了社會福利多元化、社會管理統一化、行政執法嚴格化、司法訴訟權威化。