
rigor n.〔美國〕=rigour.


Have founded for 20 years , the company has high technical power , and advance produce process , complete test instrument and rigor quality management 本公司已有二十多年歷史,技術力量雄厚,生產工藝先進,檢測手段齊全,質保體系嚴密。

Mr . von donnersmarck , born in west germany in 1973 and making his feature film debut , demonstrates astonishing visual and narrative rigor 導演多納施馬克1973年出生于西德,他的這部電影處女作展示出令人驚嘆的視覺效果和敘事張力。

Above all be mentally prepared for the rigors of each trading day from the time you get up each morning until you go to bed at night 最重要的是在精神上對每個交易日的嚴峻場面作好準備,從每天早晨你爬起來,一直到晚上回到床上。

We want to be known for innovation and creativity and rigor as much as we are known for educating leaders for business and society 我們不但要因培養商業和社會領袖而聞名,我們更要因我們的創新力、創造力和治學嚴謹而著稱。

For longevity is often attributed to the traditional healthy food and lifestyle , despite the rigors of life in the crowded big cities 盡管擁擠的城市生活讓人勞累,但傳統的健康飲食習慣和生活方式一直是日本人長壽的秘訣。

Above all be mentally prepared for the rigors of each trading day from the you get up each morning until you go to bed at night 最重要的是在精神上對每個交易日的嚴峻場面作好準備,從每天早晨你爬起來,一直到晚上回到床上。

For longevity is often attributed to the traditional y food and lifestyle , despite the rigors of in the crowded big cities 盡管擁擠的城市生活讓人勞累,但傳統的健康飲食習慣和生活方式一直是日本人長壽的秘訣。

The same is true for software development : the rigor of your process should vary according to the type of product on which you are working 這同軟件開發一樣。程序的嚴格性是根據產品的不同類型而相應變化的。

As we began to gather material , though , the life - on - mars hypothesis was flagging under the rigors of continued scientific scrutiny 當我們開始收集資料時,火星上有生命這一假設正在經受科學界不斷的嚴格審查。

To allow candidates to survey the rigor and question formats of each exam , we have several sets of sample questions 為了讓考生對考試難度和問題形式有切實感受,我們為考生準備了以下問題樣式供考生參閱

Viewpoints will vary in their rigor , associated analytic techniques , etc . , which may be brought to bear on checking a view 視點在其活力,相關的分析技術等方面不同,這可能是沿用了對視圖檢查的做法。

There were some discoloration and blisters on the medial aspect of the same thigh and she had felt warm but denied any rigors 患者患側大腿外觀出現變色與大水泡,并且患者自覺發熱但否認僵直感。

Because of his erudition and rigor as a scholar , whatever he lent his hand to during field work flourished 由于原先問津者少,而李教授識力精湛、治學嚴謹,他實地的田野工作,往往點石成金。

From the games gorgeous screen and the degree of rigor operating system have exceeded the general flash small game 該游戲無論從畫面的華麗程度和操作系統的嚴謹性都超出了一般的flash小游戲

“ it ' s no surprise that the foot is still adjusting to these games and practices , the whole rigors of the nba , “ he said “我的腳仍在恢復當中,這在高強度對抗的nba當中沒什么好奇怪的“他說。

C or above ) , and sometimes associated with chills , rigors , headache , malaise , muscle pain or even diarrhoea 其他癥狀可包括發冷、顫抖、頭痛、疲倦或肌肉痛,有時還會出現肚瀉。

Application programmers can concentrate on their application logic rather than on the rigors of soap 應用程序編程人員可以集中精力編寫他們的應用邏輯,而不再被soap的嚴密邏輯困擾。

C or above , and sometimes associated with chills , rigors , headache , malaise , muscle pain or even diarrhoea 其他癥狀可包括發冷顫抖頭痛疲倦或肌肉痛,有時還會出現肚瀉。

Medical images used as the base of diagnose have rigor demand for quality of display and image perception Pacs環境中顯示圖像存在一個問題,就是對圖像的處理無法重現。