
rigmarole n.鬼話,冗長的廢話,無聊的啰唆話;冗長的文章。adj....


Though this sort of thing went on every other night or very near it still stephen s feelings got the better of him in a sense though he knew that corley s brandnew rigmarole , on a par with the others , was hardly deserving of much credence 盡管這類事情每隔一夜或者幾乎是如此就能遇上一次,斯蒂芬還是為之怦然心動。他曉得科利方才那套新近胡亂編造的話照例是不大可信的,然而,正如拉丁詩人所說: “我對不幸遭遇并非一無所知,故深知拯救處于厄運中者。 ”

The opening of doors is a mystic act : it has in it some flavor of the unknown , some sense of moving into a new moment , a new pattern of the human rigmarole 開門是一個神秘的動作:這里面包含著某種未知的情趣,某種進入新的時刻的感覺,一種人類繁瑣手續的新形式。

He had to go through the usual rigmarole of signing legal papers in order to complete the business deal 為了達成這筆交易,他不得不一一通過通常的簽署法律文件的繁瑣程序。

The most obvious change since the 2001 attacks has been the added rigmarole at american airports 2001年的襲擊后最顯著的變化還是美國更加繁瑣的機場安檢。

I had to go through the whole rigmarole of swearing in front of the judge and kissing the bible 我必須經過在法官前宣誓和親吻圣經等整個繁瑣費時的程序。

She told me some rigmarole or other having lost her keys 她跟我說了一大堆冗長的廢話,說她怎樣丟了鑰匙等等。

I ' ve never heard such a rigmarole 我從來沒聽過像這樣的長篇廢話