
rigid adj.1.堅硬的,強直的,硬性的,僵硬的 (opp. ...


With microscopic organism, however, the differentitation of foods for particular purpose is not a rigid matter . 然而對于微生物,碳水化合物在不同場合起的作用也不同。

For a rigid body rotating about a principal axis, the angular acceleration is related to torque by t =ia . 對于繞主軸轉動的剛體來說,角加速度與轉矩的關系是TIa。

The rigid arm cc is simply a statement that the “plane sections“ hypothesis may be applied to the shear wall . 剛臂CC只是說明了在剪力墻中可以應用“平截面”假設。

Early in 1909 the sum of 35,000 pounds was authorized for the building of a rigid airship for the navy. 一九0九年初,政府撥款三萬五千英鎊為海軍建造一條硬式飛艇。

At a rigid joint of a space frame, three resolution and three moment equations can be written . 在空間框架的一個剛性節點處,可以寫出三個分力方程和三個力矩方程。

Only when the last child had disappeared did sister agatha break her rigid pose . 一直等到孩子們全部走完了,阿加莎修女才放棄了她那僵硬的一本正經的假做作。

Loading was achieved through a battery of hydraulic jacks acting on a rigid metallic distribution plate . 通過作用于剛性金屬墊板上的一組液壓千斤頂加載。

In the times of the emperors , the formality within the forbidden city was rigid beyond belief . 在帝王時代,紫禁城內的禮儀異常嚴格,令人難以置信。

There are situations less rigid than the ceremonial address or the formal written message . 有些場合不需要像正式講演或正規文字那么嚴格拘謹。

A rigid class or status structure linked to the land was the basis of the society . 與土地相聯系的嚴格的等級或地位結構是這個社會的基礎。

The mayor's face grew slowly tight and very formal and his whole body was rigid . 市長的臉慢慢地變得緊張而嚴肅,他的整個身體是挺直的。

Arnold was rigid in the company of children, with almost everybody . 阿諾德與孩子們在一起時總是一本正經,幾乎對所有孩子都是這個樣子。

This increases both the rigid body rotation of the vehicle and the bending moment . 這既增加了飛行器的剛體轉動,也增加了彎矩。

It is possible to devise corresponding systematic procedures for rigid jointed frames . 推導出適合于鋼架的類似步驟也是可能的。

Mechanics is the study of the motion of collections of rigid bodies under given forces . 力學是研究剛體集合在力作用下的運動。

In a continuous beam the vertical deflexions at the rigid supports must be zero . 在連續梁中,剛性支承處的垂直變形必須為零。

When a shock came it shook the rigid table upon which devices placed . 當震動到達時,就震動了這張上面放著儀器的堅硬桌子。

We drifted forward with rigid motions, limbs stiff and voices silent . 我們緩緩地往前走,動作呆板,手足僵硬,緘口不語。

I move more rigid than all the others with a sense of judgement . 我帶著前途未卜的心情朝前走,一舉一動比別人更加拘謹。