
rightward adv.,adj.向右,向右邊;向右的,右的。


Manipulating the larynx with your right hand or having an assistant apply firm backward , upward , and rightward pressure ( the so - called burp maneuver ) to the larynx can also facilitate visualization of the vocal cords 用你的右手處理好喉頭,或者讓助手給喉頭施加一個穩定的向后、向上、向右的壓力(此稱之為burp動作) ,這樣也可以更方便地觀察到聲帶。

In idle mode , allows you to access wap service by pressing upward , menu mode by downward , menu function by leftward and agenda function by rightward quickly 空閑模式下,快速向上按進入wap服務,向下按進入菜單模式,向左按進入菜單功能,向右按進入記事本功能。

In idle mode , allows you to access wap service bypressing upward , menu mode by downward , menu function by leftward and agenda function by rightward quickly 空閑模式下,快速向上按進入wap服務,向下按進入菜單模式,向左按進入菜單功能,向右按進入記事本功能。

Average new life because neurological development is immature , most dot to at the same time side sleeps , and majority is rightward 我小孩以前也是頭偏向左邊,三個月大,后來我睡在他的右邊,他的頭一直向右邊,時間長了他的頭沒有偏向哪邊,很正常了。

Sole - switch 2 . dual - switch 3 . completely opening or closing types by leftward and rightward roating , all are able to auto matically reset 1 .單開關2 .雙開關3 .左轉右轉均可完全斷開或閉合

Is left - to - right the default , the match and the scan proceed rightward , starting at the character at 處的字符開始向右進行匹配和掃描。如果regex是從右向左的(通過啟用

Is left - to - right the default , the match and the scan proceed rightward , starting at the character specified in 是從左向右的(默認) ,則從