
rightness n.正直,誠實;正義,公正;正確(性);恰當。


Company with exaltation product and production line technique of the quality equipments for the biggest advantage , rightness new setup house practice whole process service from the production line design arrive equipments manufacturing , install , adjust to try with produce the personnel ' s technique training , insure a customer production qualified product and reach to produce , reach mark 公司以提高質量設備產品和生產線技術為最大優勢,對新建廠家實行全過程服務從生產線設計到設備制造、安裝、調試和生產人員的技術培訓,確保用戶生產出合格產品并達產、達標。

At first , one kind of finite element model which is more accurate than the union model used before is set up to simulate the mutual contact between head and shell flange well . the stress analysis and measurement of the most typical and common dryers are done , from that the rightness of the calculative model is verified and the stress distribution of dryers under the inner pressure is got 首先建立了一種更為精確地模擬缸蓋與缸體法蘭間相互接觸狀況的烘缸有限元計算模型,對國內最具代表性、最常用的烘缸運用該模型進行應力分析和應力實測,由此驗證計算模型的正確性,同時獲得烘缸在內壓作用下的應力分布狀況。

Its premise is pci bus specification and its sticking point is to analysis the function and architecture of pci bus controller . this dissertation finishes the design of pci bus controller , and it has also completed the function simulation of this module as well as timing simulation and a pcb card for test which prove it rightness at last 通過本論文的研究,完成了pci總線控制器的設計,并且通過編寫測試激勵程序完成了總線控制器功能仿真,以及布局布線后的時序仿真,并設計了pcb實驗板進行了測試,證明所實現的pci目標控制器完成了要求的功能。

Have common saying to be that such speaks : “ be going to set out on a road to prosperity , to mend a road first “ with the fact that economy has to increase by , the traffic problem is gradually protruding obvious , therefore , i am able to plan rationally , rightness leads and manages , until laxation resolving our city traffic problem 有通常的敘述是那么如此的說: 以事實經濟必須增加“要在前往繁榮的道路上宣布,修改道路第一 “被,交通問題正在逐漸地凸出明顯的,因此,我能夠理性地計劃,廉正領引而且處理,直到解決我們的城市交通問題的松弛。

This article discusses a hot matter studied in the administration field at present ; the matter of government responsibility which aims at constructing a responsible public executive pattern of china , and prevents the abuse of administrative authority so as to assure the justness and rightness of the government 本文論述的是目前行政學界研究的一個熱點問題:政府責任問題。目的在于構建一個負責任的中國公共行政模式,防止行政權力的僭越和濫用,從而保證政府的公正與廉潔。

Be an ornament to the temple of rightness , a breath of life to the body of mankind , and ensign of the hosts of justice , a luminary above the horizon of virtue , a dew to the soil of the human heart , an ark on the ocean of knowledge , a sun in the heaven of bounty , a gem on the diadem of wisdom , a shining light in the firmament o thy generation , a fruit upon the tree of humility 做正義殿堂的裝飾,做人類生命中的呼吸,做審判者的徽章,做美德地平線上的燈光,做人類心靈之土的露珠,做知識海洋上的方舟,做博大天堂的太陽,做智慧王冠上的寶石,做你的時代天空中明媚的陽光,做人類之樹的果實。

When the time comes for mr bush to soldier on without his one foreign soul - mate and confidant , it may not be britain ' s troops , intelligence advice or security council votes he will miss most but the psychological pattern of mutual encouragement : each man ' s reinforcement of the other ' s belief in the rightness of his gut convictions 待到布什在沒有他唯一的性情相投的外國至友的情況下獨自迎難而上時,他最想念的不會是英國的軍隊、情報建議或英國在安理會所投之票,而是那種相互激勵的心理模式:每人給對方堅持信仰以強援。

Plus the low cycle energy through an infrared ray , ten rightnesses of stick the slice , full - automatic output various parameter , reduce weight , weight reduction , breast slimming , lymphoid row poison , lead to flow to wait the function , improve the body tiny circulation and blood circulations , attain the weight reduction to reduce weight and the result of breast slimming integral whole , generous beauty of external appearance 通過紅外線加上低周波能量,十對貼片,全自動輸出各種參數,有減肥,瘦身,健胸,淋巴排毒,引流等功能,改善身體微循環和血液循環,達到瘦身減肥和健胸一體的效果,外觀大方美觀。

Secondly , the image meaning of original text may can not find a rightness to perhaps have no same image meaning in response to the meaning in the purpose language , perhaps although image homology , implicit meaning ( include praise or blame meaning ) but conflict , at this time first want what to consider is the implicit meaning of image of accurate inform , can replace an another to translate text poem to publish familiar image or have to abandon image meaning , translates an implicit meaning 其次,原文的形象意義在目的語中可能會找不到對應意義或者沒有相同的形象意義,或者雖然形象相同,隱含意義(包括褒貶意義)卻沖突,這時首先要考慮的是形象的隱含意義的準確傳達,可更換另一個譯文詩刊熟悉的形象或得舍棄形象意義,只譯出隱含意義。

The main material have : especially light paper , copperplate paper , write paper , dumb silver paper , light gold paper , transparent pvc , hot paper and synthesize paper , etc . do not does the gum label paper to satisfy various customer s different need . our company is under the support of the large lately old customer through many years diligent , get a very big development , also be lucky to become the first “ the whole country do not does the gum product quality , the prestige double guarantee demonstration unit “ of the light product quality control center in china , at this rightness the lately old guest room mean a heartfelt with gratitude . be professional of the not dry gum label print to make a business enterprise , we will continue to work hard to raise the product quality continuously , the production performance , enhance it in not dry advantage competition ability of the gum profession , serve for the large lately old customer betterly 本公司在廣大新老客戶的支持下經過多年努力,得到很大的發展,也有幸成為中國中輕產品質量保證中心首批“全國不干膠產品質量、信譽雙保障示范單位” ,在此對新老客房表示衷心的感謝。作為專業的不干膠標簽印制企業,我們將繼續努力不斷提高產品質量,生產效益,強化其在不干膠行業的優勢競爭力,更好地為廣大新老客戶服務。

We can attains some conclusions in this paper , nozick emphasizes the rightness of property holding and historic justification of the origin of property , rawls highlights on the right of equality and cares for people who live in inferior position . nozick stresses the ownership of natural development of property “ holding “ and advocates the theory of “ the minimal state “ . in order to arrive at goals of social justice and good , rawls tries to reduce the gap in social and natural chanciness , and insists on the redistribution of property under the interposition of the public reason and public power 我們可以獲得一些結論:諾齊克看重財產持有的正當性和財產來源的歷史意義,羅爾斯則按照“兩個正義原則”對公共資源進行分配并關懷弱勢群體;諾齊克強調財富“持有”的自然生成的所有權并主張干預財富分配的“最弱意義國家”理論,羅爾斯則試圖減輕自然和社會“偶性”方面的差距,強調通過公共理性和公共權力來干預財產的分配和再分配,以期達到社會的公正與善。

Combining achievements in past scientific research , this thesis summarizes some problems in the process of decreasing water , the problems contains : important parameters such as percolation coefficient , interfering radius etc ; designers get parameters from their experience and make their choice of limited prospecting materials too simply , because of the limits , designer ca n ' t make quantitative analysis on groundwater ; differences on breakwater effect of setting water - tight screen is still existed , although research evolvement in this field is done ; they ca n ' t grasp the hydrogeology parameters accurately in that it influences rightness of designing in deep excavation water - decreasing 本文結合以往的研究成果,總結了降水過程中存在的一些問題,主要包括:重要設計參數,如地層滲透性、基坑降水影響半徑等,設計中僅從個人經驗出發取值,對有限的勘探資料進行取舍和過分地簡化。這些局限使設計者不能對地下水進行科學的定量分析,盲目性較大;深基坑降低承壓水引起的周邊地面沉降的研究雖已取得很大的進展,但是一些主要問題仍未解決,對防滲帷幕的實際擋水效果存在不同看法;對于弱透水層的水文地質參數一直難以準確把握,影響了深基坑降水設計的正確性。

A new method was given out in this paper , which is based on the singular value decomposition of the balance matrix of truss , followed by the method of optimization under linear constrained condition . an analysis program for this method was developed . the rightness o f t his method w as proven by the analysis and verify of engineering example 本文從桁架理論的奇異值分解出發,結合有約束線性優化方法,提出了解決這一問題的另一途徑,編制了相應的分析程序,經過算例分析與驗證,證明了該方法的正確性。

Although the war of of the beautiful 伊 has already tend in equanimity , can think necessarily two country president of the gratitude and grudge didn ' t end so and easily far _ , if have an opportunity to let them come to a 1 rightness 1 lists pick , should be piece very interesting affair is really such words , player who do you help again 雖然美伊之間的戰爭已趨于平靜,可想必兩國總統間的恩怨遠沒有這么容易結束吧^ _ ^ ,要是有一個機會讓他們來個1對1單挑,應該是件很有趣的事情,真是這樣的話,玩家你又會幫誰呢?

The game introduce : in limited time , as long as all same patterns that can link , the two per rightness grounds find out , finding out 1 rightness each time , they can disappear automatically , as long as eliminate all of all patterns through and can immediately become champion 游戲介紹:在有限的時間內,只要把所有能連接的相同圖案,兩個一對地找出來,每找出一對,它們就會自動消失,只要把所有的圖案全部消完即可獲得勝利。

Under the environment of market economics , the decision made by the management level is vital for the whole company . the rightness of the managing and investing decision are always related to the existence , development and thriving and prosperity of the company 在市場經濟環境下,企業管理層所作出的決策至關重要,其經營與投資決策的正確與否,往往關系到一個企業的盛衰、成敗、生存和發展。

The correctness of financial decisions has a direct decisive effect on economic increase and the perfection of financial decision - making system is the essential factor to judge the rightness of financial decisions 摘要金融決策的正確與否對于經濟增長起著直接的決定作用,而完善的金融決策體系是保證金融決策科學化的必要條件,科學化的金融決策程序是決定金融決策正確與否的關鍵。

( 2 ) in order to validate the rightness of the parameters , hydrogeology parameters is measured , such as discharge , percolation coefficient and hydraulic pressure using the precise instruments and existing formula and arithmetic (二)利用各種精密測量儀器進行滲流量、滲透系數、水壓力等水文地質參數的測定,結合已有的公式和算法,驗證各種數據的取值合理性。

But deep down , below the surface of the average man ' s conscience , he hears a voice whispering , “ there is something not right , “ no matter how much his rightness is supported by public opinion or by the moral code 但是無論他的正當性得到多少公眾輿論或道德準則的支持,在內心深處、在普通人的意識層次之下,他仍聽到一個低低的聲音: “哪兒有點不正常” 。