
rightly adv.正義地,正直地,正當地;正確地;恰當地;當然。


He ' s rightly up there as one of the best players of all time 他可以說是歷史上最好的球員之一。

Cried long john . don t rightly know , don t you 高個子約翰叫道, “弄不太清楚,你弄不太清楚!

It is rightly said that time is money 時間即金錢這句話說得很恰當。

He believed , rightly or wrongly , that she was guilty 對也罷,錯也罷,反正他認為她是有罪的。

I do not rightly know whether it is tuesday or wednesday 我說不準那天是星期二還是星期三。

I don t rightly know , sir , answered morgan “我弄不太清楚,先生。 ”

The daughters of zelophehad speak rightly 7西羅非哈的女兒說得有理。

Much of the blame rightly attaches to mr bush 多數的譴責都直指布什。

And from now on would be treated quite rightly . . 從今以后我幾乎肯定會被別別人看作是… …

Much of the blame rightly attaches to mr bush 許多指責都直接指向布什。

The software can be used after rightly setting 在正確安裝之后即可使用。

Women complain ( rightly ) of centuries of exploitation 幾百年來女性抱怨她們受到剝削。

If i remember rightly the party starts at 8 pm 我記得聚會是在八點鐘開始。

Mt . 26 : 64 jesus said to him , you have said rightly 太二六64耶穌對他說,你說的對了!

“ if i guess rightly , will you confess it ? “如果我猜對了,您承不承認? ”

If i remember rightly the party starts at 8 pm 我記得聚會是在下午8點開始

He rightly deserves respect for his scholarship 他學識淵博,理應受到尊敬。

Much of the blame rightly attaches to mr bush 許多的責難直接逼近布什總統。

Much of the blame rightly attaches to mr bush 大部分責任理所當然地由布什先生承擔。