
rightist n.,adj.右派分子(的),右傾分子(的),保守分子(...


Most significantly , however , is the fact that on the strength of such a shining political background , he was able to serve as a unifying rightist leader in three left - right joint governments , serving as premier in the first such government from 1986 - 1988 , as leader of rightist parties from 1993 - 1995 in the second one , and as president in the third from 1997 - 2002 但是最重要的是,在如此輝煌的政治背景支持下,卻是法國政府第一次左右共治時的總理( 1986 ? 1988 ) ,第二次左右共治時期右派的政黨領導人( 1993 ? 1995 ) ,第三次左右共治時期的總統( 1997 ? 2002 ) 。

Beginning in may 1981 , when francois mitterrand defeated the rightist alliance which had ruled france for 23 years to become the first - ever leftist president since the establishment of the 5th republic - - and after which he was twice reelected to that office - - his presidency set a number of records in france ' s political history and produced numerous , unanticipated precedents 自從1981年5月密特朗擊敗了執政長達廿三年的右派聯盟,成為法國第五共和成立以來第一位左派總統,并連任兩屆,他改寫了許多法國政治史上的紀錄,更開創了許多出人意表的先例。

Early in the thirties of the last century , the western economists began the study on dividend policy . there were three groups , the left , the right and the center . le ftist advocated low dividend , rightist maintained high dividend and center did not think dividend policy is relevant to enterprise valuation , they were called classical theory , later on , they have developed into modern dividend theory , including residual dividend theory , clientele effect theory , ownership structure theory , agency theory , signaling theory and transaction cost theory , etc . 早在上世紀三十年代,西方經濟學家就開始了對股利政策的研究,形成了主張低股利的“左派” 、主張高股利的“右派”及認為股利高低與企業價值無關的“中間派” ,其中前二者稱為股利相關論,后者稱為股利無關論,三者共同構成古典股利理論。

In addition , ultra - rightists rising abruptly in west europe almost at the same time , which formed a political adverse current opposed globalization , opposed european merging into an organic whole , and rejected foreign immigrants . people named it “ le pen ' s phenomena “ 不僅如此,極右勢力在西歐地區幾乎同時崛起,形成了一股反全球化、反歐洲一體化、排斥外來移民的政治逆流,人們稱之為“勒龐現象” 。

On coming beck to homeland in november 1937 , wang ming posed as an imperial envoy of communist international and made a series of rightist mistakes regarding how to establish and consolidate the anti - japanese national united front 摘要1937年11月王明回國后,便以共產國際的欽差大巨自居,在如何建立和鞏固抗日民族統一戰線方面犯了系統的右傾錯誤。

Since 1949 , when the communist party took up the power in china , the union movement in hong kong had been manipulated by either the leftist or the rightists unit 1991 三十年來,工委會給人的形象可能是偏激,甚至是在搞事,破壞社會的繁榮安定。

The paper analyzes the activities and whys of wang ming ' s rightist mistakes , with the purpose of offering some enlightenment to the party members and cadres 解讀王明的右傾錯誤的具體表現及產生這些右傾錯誤的原因,對廣大黨員干部有重要的現實啟迪作用。

We are not going to launch an anti - rightist campaign again . but on no account should we give up serious criticism of erroneous trends 我們今后不搞反右派運動,但是對于各種錯誤傾向決不能不進行嚴肅的批評。

You will certainly all remember how aggressive some rightists were . so are some people today 大家都還記得當時有些右派分子那種殺氣騰騰的氣氛吧,現在有些人就是這樣殺氣騰騰的。

In 1958 , he was branded as a “ rightist “ for criticizing the government policy 1958年,由于他批判國家的政策而被打成右派。

Understanding once again two questions of the anti - rightist struggle in 對1957年反右派的兩個問題的再認識

A tentative study of neo - rightists in america in 1960 ' s and 1970 ' s 20世紀六七十年代美國的新右派運動初探