
rightful adj.1.正直的,正義的。2.正當的,當然的;合法的;...


As genovia ' s rightful king 作為基諾維亞公正的國王

I think of all the men i ve killed to take my rightful place 回想被我殺死的人們,好好衡量一下自己的位置。

For one who knows his rightful place 無疑是件可怕的事

Is to turn the job over to the rightful winner , handy harrison 把這一職位交還給真正的獲勝者漢迪.哈里森

He has a rightful claim to the property ; it was his mother ' s 這份財產原是他母親的,他具有合法所有權。

What he said is a rightful claim 他所說的是正當的要求。

He has rightful claim to the property ; it was his mother ' s 這產業曾是他母親的,他對其有合法的所有權。

He claims to be the rightful heir 他要求成為合法的繼承人。

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their rightful names 公正的認準每件事物是智慧的開端。

Research on the rightful matching with toe - in and camber of wheels 車輪外傾角與前束合理匹配的研究

There was a dispute about the rightful succession to the throne 對于王位的合法繼承實在有個爭論。

I am the rightful owner of this car 我是這輛新車的合法主人。

He ' s the rightful owner of this house 他是這房子合法的所有人。

Because the rightful owner of this cross 因為如果你把這還歸還,

The king has returned to reclaim his rightful home , sweet home 國王歸來,收回他公正可愛的故鄉

The rightful heir should obtain his rightful inheritance 合法的繼承人應獲得其合法的繼承權。

The attack intends to prevent rightful access to resources 該攻擊旨在阻止對資源的正當訪問。

Would provide our ticket to a rightful place 卻是送我們進天堂的鑰匙

I ' m anyaih , the rightful owner of the book . give me my pen 我是安亞,這本書的主人,筆還給我