
righteous adj.1.正直的,公正的,正義的。2.正當的,當然的。...


The righteous shall inherit the land , and dwell therein for ever 29義人必承受地土,永居其上。

I knew she was going act like a self - righteous princess 我就知道她會表現的像個自以為是的公主

Seven times a day i praise you for your righteous laws 164我因你公義的典章、一天七次贊美你。

He ' ll give us a righteous warrant .那他就會給我們個合法的搜查令

The battle is to the brave and righteous 勝利屬于勇敢和正直的人。

Bossy , self - righteous , nosy about things that weren ' t her business 專橫,自以為是,愛管閑事

Folks been saying stuff like , “ ls he righteous ? is he real ? 人們會說“他正義嗎?他真實嗎?

Righteous . i have exactly what you need 嗯,不錯我正好有你需要的

How would you know , mr . self - righteous 你怎么會知道?自以為是先生

Each group believes that they have the righteous path 每一個群體都相信自己走在正義之路上。

If the foundations be destroyed , what can the righteous do 3根基若毀壞,義人還能作什么呢。

This gate of the lord , into which the righteous shall enter 20這是耶和華的門。義人要進去。

Will join me in this righteous enterprise 自愿加入這個正義的組織?

Are their leavings a satire upon the self - righteous people here 是他們在諷刺正直的人們嗎

The wicked spies upon the righteous and seeks to kill him 詩37 : 32惡人窺探義人、想要殺他。

I ' m tired of these self - righteous environmentalists , 我對那些自以為是的環保分子也感到不耐

The righteous dimension of the ecological ethics 環境倫理學的正義向度

. . . he ' ll give us a righteous warrant . . .那他就會給我們個合法的搜查令

Klm , mun - hee ! you ' re too self - righteous 金文姬!你的眼神感覺很不好!