
right-hand adj.右手的;右邊的;用右手的;非常得力的,心腹的,倚...


“if the worst comes to the worst“, becky thought, “my retreat is secure; and i have a right-hand seat in the barouche. “ 蓓基想到:“逼到最后一條路,逃難是不怕的了,在大馬車里,我穩穩的有一個位子了。”

It seldom happens that all the determining variables on the right-hand side of any single equation are exogenous . 任何單一方程式的右方的獨立變量并非都是局外變量。

the first factor on the right-hand side is of the order of prebuckling strain . 右邊的第一個因子跟屈前的應變是同一量級。

He began to search in the right-hand pocket of his well-worn and baggy linen suit . 他開始在那件磨得很舊的,肥大的衣服上的右邊口袋里東摸西摸。

Please refer to the right-hand column of page 200 of this dictionary . 請參看這本詞典第二百頁右面一欄。

The right-hand side is zero . 右端項等于零。

he jack-knifed his length into the right-hand seat of the car . 他曲著身子坐進汽車的右座。

This limit is sometimes called the right-hand derivative . 這個極限有時稱為右導數。

The soldiers numbered off , starting from the right-hand man . 士兵從右報數。

The right-hand mass was given an initial push . 給了右邊的質體一個初始推力。