
right adj.1.右,右方的,右側的,右派的 (opp. le...

right hand

Has he any right to use the style of colonel ? 他有權力使用上校頭銜嗎?

Production has already been put on the right track . 生產已經走上軌道。

Her son is a right little horror . 她的兒子是個不折不扣的小淘氣。

He's wearing the bottoms of his feet right off . 他腳板都磨破了。

He got right down to the heart of the matter . 他是一針見血,擊中要害。

I'm in the soup. right up to the hocks . 我是落湯雞了,拔身乏術。

Do n't worry , everything will be all right . 你放心吧,出不了岔。

Laws protect they take their rights . 法律保障他們享受自己的權利。

It was quite right of you to think that way . 你那樣考慮一點不錯。

Except his son , they are all right . 除了他的兒子以外,他們大家都好。

Now you be the judge and say which of us is right . 你來評評誰說得對。

You must check your posture right now . 你必須立刻檢查一下自己的姿勢。

She wears clothes that are right up to date . 她穿著最時興的衣服。

Madeleine snatched your position right up . 馬德琳立刻搶走了你的地位。

He has no right to term himself an expert . 他沒有權力自封為專家。

It 's easy to persuade him if you go the right method . 說服他并不難。

You need experience to carry it out right . 沒有經驗你就盡不了職。

Give way to traffic coming from the right . 讓右方駛來的車輛先行。

You took the words right out of my mouth . 你正好說出了我要說的話。