
rigger n.1.裝配工人;【航海】索具裝配人;【航空】機身裝配員...


Haian yuandong nicey machine mold factory is that the specialty is engaged in : the boat is used a roll trigger to the four rollers types roll triggers to the standard adjustement type roll trigger to the three rollers symmetrical type , roll triggers to the next roller standard adjustmettype , rolltrigger to a upward roller standard adjustment type roll rigger , various specialties andnon - mark rolls up the trigger , z50 ' s series vertical drilling machine 海安遠東精密機模廠是專業從事:上輥水平調整式卷板機,下輥水平調整式卷板機,三輥對稱式卷板機,水平調整式卷板機,四輥式卷板機,船用卷板機,各種專業、非標卷板機, z50系列立式鉆床。

He was a man not merely religious , but devout ; a firm believer - not as the phrase is now elusively construed by theological thimble - riggers in the church and out of it , but in the old and ardent sense of the evangelical school : one who could 他這個人不但信教,而且非常虔誠他是一個堅定的信徒這不是現在教堂內外拿神學玩把戲而閃爍其詞時用作解釋的一個詞,而是在福音教派過去就有的在熱烈意義上使用的一個詞。他是這樣一個人:

A former rigger of a pile foundation company was sentenced to 160 hours of community service for conspiring with another rigger to use falsified attendance records to deceive overtime allowances totalling over 16 , 000 from the company 一名地基樁柱公司前機械操作管工,串謀另一名管工行使偽造值勤記錄,向公司騙取逾時工作津貼共逾一萬六千元,被判須履行一百六十小時社會服務。

By combining herd behavior and market manipulation or game behavior , we establish a dynamic game model of incomplete information between market rigger and market follower and analyze 接著將從眾行為與市場操縱結合起來,建立了市場操縱者和市場追隨者之間的不完全信息動態博弈模型,分析了市場操縱與博弈行為對股票市場泡沫的影響。

The yearly output of leather work gloves is more than 600 , 000 dozens . our productions includes drivers gloves , welders gloves , rigger gloves and etc . the various items can meet the need of different 祥和公司生產的皮制勞保手套,主要分司機燒焊和指甲襪三大類,款式多種多樣,能滿足不同客戶之間的需求。

11 i am a mechanician . ( electrician , pipelayer , welder , carpenter , turner , blacksmith , builder , erector , riveter , rigger , concrete worker , engine - driver , repair worker ) 我是一個機械工。 (電工、管工、焊工、木工、車工、鐵工、建筑工人、安裝工人、鉚工、起重工、混凝土工、司機、維修工) 。

The workpeople , to be sure - riggers and what not - were most annoyingly slow ; but time cured that 工人們,確切地說,裝索具的工匠們,慢得煩死人但是時間會挽救這個。