
riga n.里加〔拉脫維亞港市〕。


2324 february 2006 consultations of the security policy department of the latvian ministry of foreign affairs and the department of external security of the chinese ministry of foreign affairs were held in riga 這種對話已在互相尊重的基礎上進行,在拉脫維亞已把它看作拉中雙邊關系中重要的必不可少的一部分。

There are more than 40 different museums in riga , most popular of which being museum of the history of riga and navigation , latvian museum of nature , ethnographic open - air museum of latvia 里加有40多個不同的博物館,其中最受歡迎的是里加和航海歷史博物館、拉脫維亞自然博物館、露天拉脫維亞民族歷史博物館。

It was performed publicly in june of 1873 at the first song festival in riga . it was first sung as a national anthem on november 18 , 1918 at the proclamation of latvias independence 該歌在1873年6月于里加市舉行的第一次歌詠節上公開演出, 1918年11月18日拉脫維亞宣布獨立時首次以國歌詠唱。

2001 was 800 years anniversary of riga city and it was filled with events that not only tided up the city for the festivities , renewed and enriched the cultural and historic environment 2001年是里加城建城800周年,這一年的節慶活動不僅淹沒了里加城,也更新并豐富了其文化和歷史環境。

Under the agreement signed between the ministries of culture of latvia and china , two outstanding chinese renovators visited riga to restore the paintings of the latvian museum of foreign arts 2001年9月11 15日,在拉中建交10周年之際,中國政協外委會主任田增佩訪問拉脫維亞

During the riga 800th anniversary celebration the same year , suzhou city presented a special gift for the city of riga - a teahouse , which was set up in kronvalda park 同年,在里加市800周年慶祝活動期間,蘇州市送給里加市一個特殊的禮品蘇州涼亭,放置在克羅瓦爾達公園里。

Elements of the nrf have been used for humanitarian relief , but the force still has too many gaps for it to be declared fully operational at the riga summit Nrf的小分隊已用于人道救援,在里加峰會宣布其具備完整行動力之前,這支軍隊尚有許多缺陷優待彌補。

In the second half of the 12th century the vicinity of riga was a trading place where goods were exchanged among locals and tradesmen coming from the west and east 十二世紀下半葉,里加周邊是個貿易集市,本地人和來自東西各地的貿易商在此交換貨物。

Riga also is a green - city including 700 parks , gardens and squares in territory more than 2 square km and parkways and woodlands more than 52 sq 里加也是一個綠色城市有700個公園,花園及廣場面積超過2平方公里,公園道路及林地面積多過52平方公里。

Seriously about settlements in territory of today s riga we can talk only by the time when this area was important ancient pitch of amber export 要在真正的意義上談起在今天的里加區域定居,我們只能提到這一區域成為古代琥珀出口重要市場的時代。

Riga is the capital of the republic of latvia and the geographical centre of the baltic states also riga is the largest city in the baltic states 里加城是拉脫維亞共和國最大的城市,是波羅的海國家的地理中心,也是波羅的海國家最大的城市。

Riga became one of the most important members of the hanseatic league that controlled trade on the bustling baltic sea in the 14 and 15 centuries 在十四和十五世紀,里加成為控制熙熙攘攘的波羅的海海上貿易的漢薩同盟中最重要的成員之一。

Riga also is proud of its well preserved authentic folklore and craftsmanship traditions as well as the rapidly developing avant - garde and modern art 里加為之驕傲的既有保存良好的正宗民間藝術和傳統,也有迅速發展的前衛和現代藝術。

The sea and coastal zone , which stretches 494 kilometres along the baltic sea and gulf of riga , is an important part of the latvian landscape 沿著波羅的海和里加灣綿延494公里的大海和海岸區域是拉脫維亞風景地貌的一個重要部分。

From 26 to 28 october 2003 , the riga city mayor visited suzhou city . during the visit the additional agreement in the areas of culture and tourism 2003年1月7日,道佳琵爾斯市代表團訪問哈爾濱,并簽署了兩市間建立友好關系協議。

9 behead paopaolong illustrate : lovely , riga into the game in the traditional paopaolong some interesting links . oh worth playing 游戲介紹:可愛的九頭怪泡泡龍,在傳統的泡泡龍游戲里加進了一些趣味環節,非常值得玩哦。

Old riga with its labyrinth of cobble stoned streets is a live open - air museum containing more than 150 architectural monuments 老里加的街道是鵝卵石鋪就的迷宮, 150多個路標式建筑更使其成為活生生的露天博物館。

Long ago , the scandinavian vikings sailed up the same river daugava that today runs through riga to get to constantinople 許久以前,斯堪的納維亞海盜揚帆上溯今天流經里加城的同一條道加瓦河,去到君士坦丁堡。

It was good for sweden as well since riga was the kingdom s largest city , bigger than stockholm on the other side of the baltic sea 瑞典同樣受益,因為里加是王國最大的城市,比波羅的海對岸的斯德哥爾摩更大。