
rig n.1.【航海】索具,裝具,裝備;艤裝;帆纜的配備;帆裝...


They rigged the little boy out as a sailor 他們把小男孩打扮成水手模樣。

The explorers rigged up a shed for the winter months 探險家匆促搭建了一座冬用的小屋。

Down there , rig ] ht along ] the corridor , and just to the left 順著走廊走到頭,就在左邊

Jim apparently , the stage rigging snapped 顯然是當兩位候選人正在握手時

Vote rigging was a cla and mob operation Florida現在已經開始使用算術平均法來統計選票

We went underwater . - dex rigged it up 我們在水下走-德克斯做了這個裝置

. . . air lifts , four sets of aga gear , hookah rigs 還有空氣泵, 4套aga排檔和水煙筒帆裝

Down there , rig ht along the corridor , and just to the left 順著走廊走到頭,就在左邊

Site installation and inspection for drilling rigs 石油鉆機現場安裝及檢驗

The soldier rigged up a shanty for a night ' s rest 士兵們臨時胡亂搭起了一間小屋過夜。

Design oil rig structure & mechanical components 油井鉆機的相關結構設計及相關的設備。

- we went underwater . - dex rigged it up -我們在水下走-德克斯做了這個裝置

John felt it hard to rig out his family 約翰感到難以為一家大小置備衣著。

- rig ] ht , where is he now ? - he ' s in the bedroom -他現在在哪里? -他在臥室

Low power hydraulic turbines . tests on test rig 小功率液壓渦輪機.平臺試驗

A new - type rig used for material irradiation tests in hfetr 的材料輻照試驗的新型裝置

And i didn ' t fucking well seduce her , all rig ht 我又沒對她怎樣,明白嗎?

Rig ht , where is he now ? - whispers he ' s in the bedroom -他現在在哪里? -他在臥室

Oil drill rig of ds series eddy current brake 石油鉆機用ds系列電磁渦流剎車