
rift n.1.裂口,罅隙,空隙,裂縫。2.【地質學;地理學】斷...

rift valley

The rift between london and chelsea on the one hand and crespo on the other seems unbreachable 一頭倫敦切爾西及另一頭克雷斯波之間的隔閡似乎已無法愈合。

The discovery of large - scale interlayer hydraulic fracturing systems in bogeda rift , easten tian mountain 東天山博格達裂谷發現大規模層間水力斷裂系統

The great rift valley , from eritrea to mozambique , could produce 7 , 000mw 從厄立特里亞開始到莫桑比克為止的東非大裂谷就能產出七千兆萬特的電能。

On the interjunction of twist of drape , rift and mine layer form bucked ore 表現出較為明顯的構造裂隙控制,屬下礦體卜部的熱液通道型礦化。

Methods of dust character test - part 9 : determination of cohesion - normal pull rift method 粉塵物性試驗方法第9部分:粘結性的測定垂直拉斷法

Liaohe basin is a part of tanlu rifting system , and it belongs to continental rift basin 遼河盆地是郯廬斷裂系的組成部分,屬大陸裂谷盆地。

It is located in the country of tanzania , near the equator , along africa s great rift valley 它位于赤道的坦桑尼亞境內,沿非洲大裂谷綿延。

Mid - ocean rift 中洋裂谷

Discussion on the formation and origin of the shiguai mesozoic rift basin in inner mongolia 內蒙古石拐中生代斷陷盆地形成與成因初探

Volcanic rift zone 火山裂縫帶

The characteristics and evolvement of the tectonic in tangyuan rift in northern heilongjiang 黑龍江東部湯原斷陷構造特征及其演化

The rift generator is the most effective superweapon to use in direct combat 空間裂縫發生器是戰斗中直接使用的最有效的超武。

Rift valley fever virus 裂谷熱病病毒

Oceanic rift valley system 大洋裂谷系

Sequence types and subtle reservoirs exploration in continental rift - subsidence basin 陸相斷陷盆地層序類型及隱蔽圈閉預測

Bimodal rift volcanism 雙向裂谷火山活動

Trying to keep up with his lifestyle is causing a rift in their marriage 想要跟上他的生活方式,造成他們婚姻不和。

Healed the rift between us 彌補我們之間的裂痕

Trying to keep up with his life is causing a rift in their marriage 想要跟上他的生活方式,造成他們婚姻不和。