
rifleman 1.步兵;步槍射手。2. = rifle bird.


The predator and riflemen ; predators are high damage dealing tanks to other tanks / buildings , however , if you send just a group of predators , they ' ll be kicked rather easily , mixing and meatshields come in handy here , imagine having tons of riflemen between the preds attracting opposing scorpion / seeker / predator shots , truly absorbing the damage the predator is supposed to be getting 掠奪者和機槍兵;掠奪者是對付其他坦克/建筑的高傷害單位,但是,如果你僅僅派出一隊掠奪者坦克,它們很容易被敵人殲滅,和肉盾混合編隊,要好的多。

Making use of the fire suport furnished by the stukas , the artillery and the heavy weapons , the tanks with mounted riflemen reached the trenchs at great speed and then the infantry dismounted and cleared it 在斯圖卡,炮兵和步兵的重武器提供的火力支援下,搭載步兵的坦克飛速沖到敵軍戰壕前,隨后步兵跳下坦克肅清敵軍。

Mechanized armies and riders do not have this temporary fortification parameter since they already have “ fortification ” and “ assaulting ” . generally , in the temporary fortification , archers are better than riders and riflemen 我想投石機等單位應該可以摧毀這種臨時的工事。這一條是我自己加的,不好就請去掉。

Barracks : build rocketmen and riflemen , to a ratio that you like . i prefer three riflemen to six rocketmen ratios , but i generally don ' t use much infantry , mostly as cannon fodder 兵營:建造火箭兵和機槍兵,按照你喜歡的比例建造。我喜歡三個機槍兵搭配六個火箭兵的比例,但是我通常不大用步兵,他們大多是作炮灰。

Unit level 3 ) riflemen are ranged tier one units with a more powerful attack than archers . their attack is instantaneous and can be fairly deadly when upgraded (單位等級3 )作為第一級的范圍攻擊部隊,火槍手比弓箭手要強大多了。攻擊力更高、速度更快且可以升級。

Unit level 3 ) riflemen are ranged tier one units with a more powerful attack than archers . their attack is i tantaneous and can be fairly deadly when upgraded 單位等級3 )作為第一級的范圍攻擊部隊,火槍手比弓箭手要強大多了。攻擊力更高、速度更快且可以升級。

As the lee - enfield ' s 10 - round mag was reloaded with 2 5 - round stripper clips , will the british riflemen have to press “ reload “ twice to get a full mag 因為恩飛爾德步槍彈甲有10發子彈, 2個5發的子彈夾來添裝。英軍步槍手需要按2次裝彈才可以裝滿10發子彈嗎?

And while you , the player , realize how important it is to take out a tech center , the ai may think it ' s more important to use your firehawks to take out a lonely riflemen 你作為玩家明白炸掉高科是最重要的,但ai可能認為炸掉一個落單的機槍兵更重要。

Barracks : same as the gdi mirror . don ' t build too many riflemen , mainly rocketmen and some apcs to cover if the shadow teams are still alive 兵營:與對抗gdi相同。不要造太多的機槍兵,主要造火箭兵,如果影隊還活著的話,要造一些apc來保護。

Actor song seung - heon ( 28 ) and artist jang hyuk ( 28 ) , who joined the army on nov . 16 , have been appointed as artilleryman and rifleman , respectively 11月16日參軍的演員宋承憲( 28歲)和張赫( 28歲)分別被指派為炮兵和步兵。

Their task is to provide accurate fire and observation on the enemy from ranges beyond what the normal riflemen can achieve 他們的任務是在遠距離提供精確火力和觀測,這是不同的步槍兵做不到的。

An sf team that cannot call in artillery or air strikes is like a rifleman who doesn ' t know how to aim his weapon 不會召喚炮兵或飛機轟炸的特種兵就好像普通步槍兵不會瞄準一樣。

Most people will build two buzzers as that can take down a bunker with one riflemen garrisoned in it 大多數人會建造兩隊蜂群,這樣就可以清掉只有一隊機槍兵駐守的地堡。

Out of the barracks : 2 riflemen squads and an engineer , to counter possible tiberium spike grabs 從兵營里: 2個機槍兵小隊和1個工程師,去抵抗可能的泰礦搶奪。

So , killing just 1 visceroid with a militant / rifleman squad will cause it to become a veteran 因此,用民兵/機槍兵殺死一個器官獸,會讓他升級為老兵。

Refinery - sell after the harverster comes out . send the rifleman to protect your expansion 礦廠在礦車出來后賣掉。派機槍兵去保護擴張點。

The rifleman reports subject pulled a small , dark object out of his pocket 狙擊手回報說目標從口袋里頭拿出了個小的黑色物品

221 american rifleman 美國步槍射手

American riflemen receive longer range sticky bombs ability at vet level 2 美軍步槍兵2級老練時粘性炸彈技能射程增加。