
rifle n.步槍;來福槍,膛線槍〔和滑膛槍區別〕;來福線,膛線;...

rifle corps

On inner surface rifling image recognition of canons 線膛炮內膛圖像膛線識別研究

You still stand back - to - back with unloaded rifles 你們背對背拿著沒上膛的來復槍

He quietly raised his forehead from his arm and looked between the masking branches of the laurels, instinctively closing his right hand about the stock of his rifle . 他靜靜地從胳臂上抬起頭來透過面部偽裝的月桂樹枝觀察著情況,本能地握緊了右手中的步槍把。

A red-cheeked young sentry put a bayonetted rifle athwart his chest, and was deaf to his protests in sputtering russian . 一個雙頰紅潤的年輕哨兵一言不發地把上了刺刀的步槍,橫在他胸前,充耳不聞他氣急敗壞地用俄語提出的抗議。

The couple move to where they could see her face in profile; and how her stare was aimed like a rifle at the farthest horizon . 他倆又向前走了幾步,從側面看清了她的面容,發現她的兩眼正直勾勾地望著遙遠的天際。

The shot of a rifle loses its sharpness in the moist air, and its smoke moves in a tardy little cloud towards the green rise . 槍彈在這雨天里失去了銳音,它的硝煙像一朵小云彩,向那青青的山岡緩緩飄去。

He also ran errands for the ward and in his spare time made me a cigarette lighter out of an empty austrian rifle cartridge . 他也替病房打雜,還利用空閑時間用奧軍步槍子彈殼給我做了一個打火機。

Talking may aggravate women, but can hardly make knives sharper, fire hotter, or rifles sartain . 用嘴可以激怒一個女人,可是嘴皮子不能使刀子變得更快,使火燒得更旺,或使槍打得更準。

He shot a grizzly bear, then looked up from his rifle sights and saw the steam gushing from the ground . 他射倒了一頭灰熊,然后從來福槍的準星上抬頭一望,看見地面上噴出了一股蒸汽。

They were just about to sit down when the mole clambered in through the window, chuckling, with an armful of rifles . 他們正要坐下時,鼴鼠抱了一大堆槍,格格地笑著從窗口爬進來。

The pilgrims used to turn out in a body and empty every rifle they could lay hands on at it . 那些外來移民也好一窩蜂地跑了過來,抓起槍就向它開火,將槍里的所有子彈打光才罷手。

Although the rifle dropped a little towards the foremost of his pursuers he did not aim or fire . 盡管他曾對最前面的追蹤者舉起了火熗,但他既沒有瞄準,更沒有開火。

It required his athletic form and loaded rifle to restore to the lady her usual confidence and courage . 他那運動員般的體格和實彈的步槍才使夫人恢復了信心和勇氣。

It was too early for despair, that would not come until a rifle actually was levelled at her . 沮喪的時刻還沒有到,只有當步槍真的向她瞄準時才會感到沮喪。

We describe the behavior of large objects like stones or rifle bullets in terms of definite laws . 我們用確定的定律來描述大的物體如石塊或步槍子彈的行為。

The germans produced toy rifles which were used for teaching hundreds of thousands of men how to shoot . 德國人曾經制造玩具步槍,教練過幾十萬人學習射擊。

The dark figure of a man stepped from the laurels and pointed a rifle at his breast . 一個黑色的人影從月桂樹叢里走出來,舉起一支來福槍對著他的胸口。

Pushing the canoe off into the bay, hurry seized his rifle to watch the result . 赫里將獨木舟向湖灣深處劃去,來復槍不離手,警覺地注視著動靜。

He struck the butt of his rifle on the bottom of the scow with a species of defiance . 他把槍托往船板上一頓,表現出一副鄙夷不屑的樣子。