
riffle n.1. 【采】(沙金采集槽的)捕沙溝。2.〔美國〕(河...


From the model experiments , riffles in observed channel disappeared and were replaced by narrow depth channel with deeper stages 在實驗過程中,河道之河灘地形相繼消失,取而代之是明顯的深槽,使水深相對的提高。

Honolulu - - if five lakers are seeking extra motivation this season , all they have to do is riffle through the pages of their contracts 如果湖人隊的5名球員這個夏天還想有所交易,他們只需重申他們的合同。

Dog bad bomb , err m - 16 and ghost riffle , old hands in the assassin game , have seen their jobs dwindle of late 奪命槍覺得這任務難以成功,但面對巨款與重振聲威的好機會,便聯絡一班舊戰友準備一切。

This is it , said he , glancing at the dedication on the first page and riffling through the rest , this is it “就是這本, ”他說,一面瞧了瞧扉頁上的題詞就翻看起來, “就是這本。 ”

I riffled through an old cookery book , seeking something appetizing to prepare for her 我翻看了一本舊烹調書學習,準備些可口的東西讓她吃。

It only took him a few moments riffling through the records to find the fight name 他飛快地翻動著記錄,一會兒就找到了那個名字。

She riffled through the magazine and found the humorous story for me 她很快地翻著雜志為我從中找到那則幽默故事。

Preliminary investigation of several riffled iron swords handed down 幾枚傳世花紋鋼劍的初步考察

Sulfide further accumulates where depressions in the bottom of the sill interfere with the flow system and act as natural riffles . 巖床底上如有陷穴,就起到天然溜槽的作用,干擾了巖流體系,使硫化進一步堆積。

She stands riffling through the pages . 她站著在翻閱那本書。

Breeze riffled the flat blue calm of the sea . 微風吹皺了平靜的藍色海面。