
riff n.1.=Rif, Er.2.(北非的)里弗族。n.-i...


[ b ] 13 : 02 [ / b ] - announced presentation will begin shortly . really cheesy guitar riffs playing over the speakers . the staduim seating is filling up , must be several thousand in attendance so far 發布展示活動即將開始。擴音器中播放著吉他伴奏映襯。不斷有人走進場地,目前已經至少有幾千人到場。

Update 2 : 02 pm - announced presentation will begin shortly . really cheesy guitar riffs playing over the speakers . the staduim seating is filling up , must be several thousand in attendance so far 發布會馬上就要開始了。吉他音樂聲音很吵。廣場的座位已經滿了,肯定有上千人參加。

Announced presentation will begin shortly . really cheesy guitar riffs playing over the speakers . the staduim seating is filling up , must be several thousand in attendance so far 發布展示活動即將開始。擴音器中播放著吉他伴奏映襯。不斷有人走進場地,目前已經至少有幾千人到場。

Take a random word from the dictionary , and apply it to a riff , song , chord change , or soloing approach ( and don ' t forget to use the exaggeration technique ) 從詞典里隨便取一個字,并把它應用到一個即興小段上、歌曲上、和弦變化上,或獨奏方法上(不要忘記使用夸張的技術) 。

She mustn t let her connexion with him go : oh , she mustn t let it go , or she was lost , lost utterly in this world of riff - raffy expensive people and joy - hogs 啊!決不可中斷,否則她便要迷失了,便要完全地迷失在這些有錢的廢人和雪樂蟲中間了。啊!

Hard rock evolved in the late ' 60s , as psychedelia and blues rock began pushing the boundaries of amplification and blues - based riffs 硬搖滾始于的60年代后期,當時迷幻樂和布魯斯搖滾正不斷地推動音響放大技術和布魯斯基礎上的即興重復音樂的發展。

Plenty of people think robin williams is the funniest man alive , and when he launches into one of his manic riffs , it ' s hard to disagree 很多人認為羅賓?威廉斯是當今最幽默風趣的人。 (當你看到)他投入到他的一個狂熱段子時,想不同意都難。

Most memorable are the glimpses of these young men being themselves , expressing their thoughts via their own rap lyrics and guitar riffs 越戰制造失落軍人,伊戰的軍人卻清清醒醒rap給你聽:對你們這不過是一場戲,但我們卻活在戲里。

In hard rock , it ' s the songs , rhythms , and riffs that matter , and they should all be played as loud as possible 對硬搖滾來說,重要的是歌曲、節奏、和即興重復,演奏的聲音自然是越大越好。

There are always riff - raffs hanging around in peter ' s home , which gives you the feeling that peter is not a good guy 彼得的家里總來些不三不四的人,可想而知彼得不是什么好東西。

Specifies the resource interchange file format riff audio format , which windows forms does not directly use 指定資源交換文件格式( riff )音頻格式, windows窗體不直接使用此格式。

Guitar riffs still aggravatingly cheesy . crowds continuing to fill seating . ceremony has yet to start 吉他伴奏音不斷加強。依然不斷有人入場。發布活動還未開始。

06 pm - guitar riffs still aggravatingly cheesy . crowds continuing to fill seating . ceremony has yet to start 吉他聲還是很大。人群繼續涌入,典禮馬上就開始。

Metal sanded away most of the blues influences and leaving the powerful , loud guitar riffs 金屬磨光了絕大多數布魯斯的影響,只剩下的強而有力的吉他即興重復。

Now try playing a riff , single note , or melody that reflects the events in your mind 現在試著彈一個即興小段,單獨的音符或在你的反映你思想中的事件的旋律。

The songs are assembled around the riff , with the guitar solo taking prominence 在即興重復的片段處配有不同的歌曲,而其中吉他獨奏則顯得尤為突出。

Excuse me . not to shit on anyone ' s riff but let me see if i grasp this concept 對不起,我不想掃大家的興不過來看看是否我都搞懂了

Okay . riff them 嗯。開除他們?

You can practice this exercise with any riff , solo , or chord change 你可以在任何即興小段、獨奏或和弦變化中實踐這個練習。