
rife adj.〔用作 Pred.〕流行的,盛行的;普遍的;大量...


As long as governments cannot - or will not - let ordinary depositors suffer inconvenience , moral hazard runs rife 只要政府不能? ?或者不愿? ?讓普通存款機構遭受麻煩,道德風險就會泛濫。

But history is rife with examples of societies that have not managed address these inequalities in a timely manner 但是歷史對沒有及時地處理住址這些不平等的社會例子感到流行。

The market today is rife with business opportunities ; the business opportunities today may disappear in an instant 今天的市場,充滿無限商機今天的市場,商機瞬間而逝。

Was rife in britain where people , on average , see youth as ending at 49 and old age beginning at 65 在英國人們普遍認為到49歲就不再年輕了,而65歲是步入老年的標志。

The practice is increasing under medical advice , especially when summer complaint is rife 在醫生的建議下,這樣的情景越來越多,尤其是人們都開始抱怨炎炎夏日之時。

Rumours were rife then that the livedoor investigation might bag mr murakami , which has happened 隨即,謠言四起,活力門的調查可能涉及到村上,事實確實如此。

Poverty in the third world is still rife , but rising incomes there should be welcomed by all 第三世界國家,雖然仍很貧窮,但條件的改善對全世界都有好處。

In some ways , zong qinghou is a living example of the contradictions rife in china ' s business world 從某些方面講,宗慶后是中國商業矛盾的一個典型案例。

So the live vaccine is still viewed as the best option in areas where the wild virus is rife 因此,活疫苗仍舊被視為在野生病毒流行區域最好的選擇。

The report reveals that poaching is rife in some parts of mongolia and russia 報道介紹說偷獵者們正在蒙古和俄羅斯使用來佛槍捕殺麝。

It is the most powerful color on the planet and it is rife with contradictions 紅色是世界上最有力的顏色,總是與矛盾聯系在一起。

Rumours were rife that they had met with a terrible disaster and that all were dead 說他們遭到大災難并全都死了的謠言到處流行。

So , like active record , the rife framework uses convention over configuration 所以,就像活動記錄一樣, rife框架也使用配置約定。

To be sure , the rebel forces are often no kinder , and banditry is rife 可以肯定的是,叛軍通常不會仁慈,且所到之處擄掠不斷。

At the core , rife s persistence has three major layers , shown in figure 3 在核心上, rife的持久性有三個主要的層,如圖3所示:

Speculation has been rife that van nistelrooy would leave the club this summer 眾多推測表示范尼將會在這個夏天離開俱樂部。

And like active record , rife uses the capabilities of the native language 而且像活動記錄一樣, rife也使用本機語言的功能。

Rife uses some of the more radical techniques from non - java languages : rife采用了來自非java語言的一些更根本的技術。

A get - rich - quick , growth - by - acquisition strategy can be rife with risk 快速致富、靠并購成長的策略可能充滿風險。