
rifampicin n.【藥學】利福平 (=rifampin)。


The phase ii trial results of a gatifloxacin - containing regimen are demonstrating good potential . the regimen is significantly more potent than the currently recommended six - month regimen of isoniazid , rifampicin , pyrazinamide and ethambutol , and suggests that when gatifloxacin is used instead of ethambutol , the standard six - month regimen may be shortened to four months 這種治療方案明顯比目前建議的為期六個月的異煙肼、利福平、吡嗪酰胺和乙胺丁醇治療方案更有效力,并表明如果用加替沙星代替乙胺丁醇,可將標準的六個月治療方案縮短至四個月。

All the chromatograms ( received ) i . e resolution solution , 3 standards , rifampicin dilute test soln . , assay solution are chromatographed at the responce of 0 . 18 au but only the chromatogram of test preparation showing impurities is chromatographed at the response 0 . 44 au to hide the unseparated problematic impurity peak 我們在分析時得到了額外的未分離的峰、對峰或裂峰(在中方人員面前當場試驗,甚至使用中方人員的色譜柱和分析方法時也是如此) ,這些色譜圖在保留時間為2 . 42和2 . 54分鐘時也呈現出額外的未分離的峰、對峰和裂峰,與雜質的其它峰相比,這些峰的峰底寬不相上下。

It possesses 160 workers and staff members among which there are 38 various talents from polytechnic schools , colleges and universities . this enterprise mainly manufactures simvastatin . rifampicin , rifamdin , isoniazid , pyrazinamide , ethambutol , ivermectin etc pharmaceutical intermediates and raw material medicines 本企業主要生產頭孢拉定、頭孢氨芐、辛伐他汀、利福平、利福定、異煙肼、異煙酸、吡嗪酰胺、乙胺丁醇、依維菌素、等醫藥中間體和原料藥。

Groningen university toxicology expert donald uges said today monday a blood sample taken before the former yugoslav president died shows traces of a drug rifampicin used to treat leprosy and tuberculosis - conditions milosevic did not have 荷蘭格羅寧根大學的毒理學專家唐納德.烏蓋斯星期一說,在前南斯拉夫總統米洛舍維奇死前提取的血液抽樣顯示有一種治療麻風病和肺結核的藥物。

In this case , the dose of nvp is increased in order to compensate for the drug interaction with rifampicin even though there is a lack of guidelines about how to modify the nvp dose in this situation 這樣一來,就可以增加奈韋拉平的劑量,以補償奈韋拉平與結核病藥物利福平產生的化學作用(即使目前仍沒有關于在這種情況下,如何調配奈韋拉平的劑量的相關標準) 。

Her doctor would like to avoid a potential metabolic interaction between nvp and the rifampicin she is receiving for her tb . so a second option would be for her to receive efavirenz instead of nevirapine 醫生為了避免其中一種抗愛滋病毒藥物奈韋拉平,與結核病藥物利福平( rifampicin )產生的化學作用,要采用第二種方案選用依非韋倫( efv ) 。

The resurgence of tuberculosis concomitant with the emergence of resistant organisms to isoniazid and rifampicin has created an urgent need for newer antibuberculotic 近年來由于全球結核病疫情回升,耐藥結核菌呈增長趨勢,尤其是耐異煙肼和/或利福平的復治病例逐漸增加,迫切需要研制新的高效抗結核藥。

The four main drugs used in kenya are isoniazid , rifampicin , ethambutol and pyrazinamide . isoniazid has been on the market since 1952 , pyrazinamide is the most recent , in use since 1970 在肯雅四種結核病主要的藥物,最年代久遠的早于一九五二年已在?場銷售,最新的也在一九七零年開始使用。

Results all of the drug fever was occurred within the first two months , the rifampicin was the most cause , and the isoniaxid was the secondly 結果抗結核藥引起藥物熱均發生在抗癆后2個月以內,其中以利福平最多見,其次為異煙肼。

Protective effect of ethanol extracts of ginkgo biloba leaves on mice hepatic toxic injury induced by isoniazid and rifampicin 銀杏葉醇提取物對異煙肼和利福平肝毒性保護作用的實驗研究

Protective effects of baicalin on hepatic injury induced by combining isoniazid with rifampicin in mice 黃芩苷對異煙肼和利福平肝損害小鼠的保護作用

Experimental research on chaiyindanshentang preventing hepatic injury induced by rifampicin 柴茵丹參湯預防利福平肝損傷的實驗研究

Rifampicin eye drops 利福平滴眼劑

Effect of chaiyindanshen decoction on hepatic injury rats induced by rifampicin 柴茵丹參湯治療利福平肝損傷的實驗研究