
riesling n.一種濃烈的萊茵白葡萄酒。


The phelps portfolio also includes ? in years when weather conditions permit ? luscious dessert wines made from johannisberg riesling scheurebe , semillon and muscat 在氣候條件允許的年份,酒園還生產包括釀自約翰內斯堡雷司令舒伯、森美蓉和麝香的香氣襲人的餐末甜酒。

Just as rheingau riesling was making its mark again as one of the world ' s finest wines , it has come under threat from an unexpected source : climate change 萊茵高的“雷司令”剛剛重拾世界頂級葡萄酒的榮譽,又面臨一場意想不到的考驗:氣候變化。

The queen of spain ( a table variety ) was dressed with lime and fennel which was a great match for a riesling , semillon and viognier 西班牙女王(屬于餐桌食用橄欖)上面澆蓋酸橙汁和茴香汁,食用時飲用雷司令、賽來雄和維歐尼等葡萄酒最佳。

Today ' s rheingau rieslings are again winning accolades , putting the era of cheap and sickly german wines such as liebfraumilch to rest 今天,萊茵高的雷司令再次贏得贊許,讓“廉價的劣質德國酒(如圣母乳) ”成為了歷史。

A sparkling wine made the same way as champagne with pinot blanc , pinot gris , pinot noir , riesling or chardonnay 一種氣泡酒與法國香檳的釀造法一樣,用白皮諾、灰皮諾、黑皮諾、雷司令和霞多利釀造。

Riesling is brilliant with fish , shell - fish , poultry , cold meat and famous alsatian dishes such as sauerkraut or smoked ham 配合魚,牡蠣,家禽,冷餐肉和阿爾薩斯名菜,如酸香草熏火腿(德國) 。

The first phelps wine , 1973 johannisberg riesling , was introduced in the fall of 1974 約瑟夫菲爾普斯酒園于1974年的秋天推出了其第一款葡萄酒? ?約翰內斯堡雷司令1973 。

Riesling gives dry , neat , graceful and well - balanced wine , and is known to be the finest alsace wine 最好的阿爾薩斯產區的葡萄酒,色香味平衡。

White riesling germany 白雷司令

I have an excellent german riesling . 1 937 . mmm , french 我有上佳的德國雷司令, 1937的嗯,有法國的. .

Riesling : yeah ! you ' re a . . . what he said 對,你說得對… …他說什么!

Riesling : maybe . . . your bots just suck 也許… …是你的機器人太爛了。

Riesling absolutely refuses to have any testimony reflecting on his wife . 里斯林斷然拒絕任何指責他妻子的證言。