
riel n.瑞爾〔柬埔寨貨幣單位〕。


Red hat s rik van riel discusses some of the shortcomings of the virtual memory subsystem that prevent it from working well on machines with many gigabytes of ram , in his presentation at the 2003 ottawa linux symposium , 的演示文稿中,討論了虛擬內存子系統的一些缺點,這些缺點導致虛擬內存子系統在擁有許多gb內存的機器上不能很好地工作。

In 1869 , when the canadians were about to take over the northwest , the local metis , under the leadership of louis riel , took up arms against the canadians and established a provisional government 1869年,當加拿大人準備接管西北地區時,梅蒂斯人在他們的領袖路易?里爾的領導下對加拿大人進行了武裝反抗,并建立了臨時政府。

On the day of his funeral , em man said , a woman saw him in a dream , bet the number 783 in a local lottery , and won a million riel , or about $ 250 在他的葬禮結束的那天晚上,安曼說,一個女人就在夢里見到他,然后在當地的彩券買783號,贏了大約250美元的獎金。

Louis riel , the leader of the m tis was hanged for treason in 1885 for his leading role in resisting the federal government 1885年,梅蒂斯人的領袖路易斯?瑞爾,因帶頭試圖反抗聯邦政府以叛國的罪名被絞死。