
ridley n.里德利〔姓氏〕。


To identify the key factors affecting primmorph formation and to optimise the technique for developing an in vitro primmorph culture system , a chinese sponge , stylotella agminata ( ridley ) , collected from the south china sea , were investigated 確定了海綿細胞離體培養的細胞生長的檢測方法。論文以南海攜突針海綿( stylotellaagminata ( ridley ) )為研究對象,建立了海綿混合細胞團( mcp - primmorph )形成及培養的基本方法。

“ we are working to bring together public and private partners to speed development for this new treatment , “ says dr . robert ridley , director of the world health organization - based special programme for research and training in tropical diseases ( tdr ) 設在世界衛生組織的熱帶病研究和培訓特別規劃主任robertridley博士說: “我們正在努力將公立和私營伙伴團結起來加速開發這種新療法。 ”

The upcoming ridley scott crusades epic kingdom of heaven clocks in at around 135 minutes , but be prepared for a multi - disc set some time next year which will add another full hour of footage 即將上映的雷利史考特的十字軍題材史詩巨作”王者天下”距離上映時間只剩下約135分鐘了,但請為于明年推出,將增加一小時額外劇情的多光碟版本做好準備。

Peter jackson then “ discover ed “ the classically handsome bloom for his much hyped lord of the rings trilogy in 1999 . after doing the three rings movies with jackson , he worked with ridley scott on black hawk down 為了追求事業上有更好的表現, bloom中止了他的表演事業,進入了guildhall音樂戲劇學校就讀,并參與了許多不同類型的戲劇演出。

“ world - class [ boating ] races for fearless loners willing to face the distinct possibility of being run down , dismasted , capsized , attacked by whales ” ( jo ann morse ridley ) “為愿意獨自面對撞沉、折斷桅桿、傾覆和被鯨攻擊的明顯可能性的無畏者而舉行的世界級比賽” (約?安?莫爾斯?里德利) 。

Kathleen coleman of harvard university , who was historical consultant for ridley scott ' s film “ gladiator , “ agreed with the findings of the report 哈佛大學歷史學家凱思琳科爾曼曾為電影角斗士當過顧問,對于這一理論她也持贊同的觀點。

Hawksbill turtle is one of the four marine turtle species occurs in hong kong waters , and the others are green , leatherback and olive ridley turtles 玳瑁是棲居香港水域四種海之一,其馀分別為綠海棱皮和太平洋麗。

John ridley , the club ' s head of racing operations , claims that disposing of the waste in a landfill was never an option they considered 約翰萊德理、總會的賽馬運作主管說,他們從未考慮過將廢物丟至垃圾掩埋場。

Submission dated 25 september 2006 from professor tony m ridley , emeritus professor of transport engineering , imperial college london 香港工會聯合會-社會事務委員會于2006年10月28日提交的意見書

Ridley a rescue team for whom ? - for us -救援隊為誰來? -為我們

Yeah . - ridley it ' s about walter smith -喂-是關于沃特史密斯的

Yeah . - ( ridley ) it ' s about walter smith 喂-是關于沃特?史密斯的