
ridicule n.嘲笑,愚弄,揶揄;〔古語〕笑柄。 bring int...


To ridicule you and humiliate you 數落你和羞辱你

By “ crap , “ he means ridicule 他說“大便”是指奚落

I can not figure out why they ridicule this constructive suggestion 我弄不懂他們為什麼嘲笑這一建設性建議。

I can ' t figure out why they ridicule this constructive suggestion 我弄不懂他們為什么嘲笑這一建設性建議。

The fear of ridicule is a very effective sanction 人們不做違法亂紀的事,其中一個重要因素就是怕人恥笑

We were getting held up and ridiculed as losers in the system 我們被當作體系內失敗者的榜樣受到嘲諷。

I hope i never ridicule what is wise or good 我希望我怎么樣也不會譏笑聰明的行為或者是良好的行為。

Nothing but cruelty and ridicule for my boy 只會取笑我的孩子-

Ridicule is particularly popular in the intellectual niche 嘲笑別人在知識分子的圈子里尤為流行。

If children live with ridicule , they learn to be shy 如果?孩子生活在譏諷的環境里?他將學會羞怯。

A specific act of ridicule or derision 嘲笑取笑或嘲笑的具體行動

And if they do , you ridicule them mercilessly for being a fag 如果成功,你就可以盡情的嘲笑他們

We shouldn ' t ridicule him , who is a little slow on the draw 譯文:我們不應該嘲笑他反應遲鈍。

He was often ridiculed by his fellows 他經常受到同伴的“嘲笑” 。

An object of ridicule ; a laughingstock 有趣之事滑稽可笑的事物;笑柄

They subjected their friends to ridicule 他們讓自己的朋友受人嘲笑。

Her conduct subjected her to public ridicule 她的行為使她受眾人嘲笑。

Their ridicule stung him into making a sharp reply 他們的嘲弄刺激他作出了尖刻的回答。

Facing others ' ridicule , dubian does not pay attention 面對別人的嘲笑,渡邊毫不理會。