
ridge n.1.【動物;動物學】脊;脊背。2.山脊;嶺,崗;分水...

ridge beam

On that ridge . . . but the map room ' s over there 在那個山脊. . .但地圖室在那邊

A ridged border for a raised border appearance 用于凸起邊框外觀的突起邊框。

As i walk along this ridge and gaze up into space 獨自走在山脊,凝望遠處的天空。

“ his ocean , his swamps , his slopes and ridges - “神賜的海洋,沼澤,土坡和山梁

We ' re going to be buried at crown ridge cemetery , 我們會葬身在克勞恩?里脊公墓

He ' s over the hydrothermal vents , mid - atlantic ridge , 在大西洋中脊的地熱火山附近

Telpher from the cloud valley temple to white goose ridge 纜車飛架云谷寺和白鵝嶺

An ornamental ridge , as on top of a wall or roof 頂飾墻頂上或屋脊上等的脊狀飾物

They are both “ ridges ” people cannot cross over 它們都是人們過不去的“坎” 。

A fold or ridge , as of skin , membrane , or shell 皺襞如皮膚、膜或殼的褶或隆起物

At the salient of that second angle was a large flat rock, jutting out from the ridge to the northward, overlooking the deep valley from which the road ascended . 在這第二個拐角的突出部有一個大而平坦的巖山,從山脊向北伸出,俯瞰深谷,路就是從那兒盤旋而上的。

Her eyes, wandering over a wide tract of country to the southeast, fondly rested on the farthest ridge of hills in the horizon . 她的眼光掃過一片寬廣的莊稼地,掠過東南,然后癡情地滯留于地平線上最遠的山梁。

The dark blue ridge mountains in which i dwell, great-hipped, big breasted, slumber on the western sky . 黛色的蘭嶺山,那是我居住的地方,她象風姿綽約的女郎,依然安睡在浩瀚的天幕之下。

The dark blue ridge mountains in which i dwell, great-hipped, big-breasted, slumber on the western sky . 黛色的蘭嶺山,那是我居住的地方,它象臀豐乳高的女郎,依然安睡在浩瀚的天幕之下。

If the surrounding rock is soft and is later worn away, the walls remain and form ridges called dikes . 如果圍巖柔軟,日后又被剝蝕掉,這種巖壁就下來形成山脊,稱為巖墻。

Ahead of him now at the top of the ridge was the government position where he knew he would be challenged . 他面前的山脊上出現了政府軍的陣地,他知道在那兒要受到盤問。

Eskers are very long ridges apparently formed when sub-glacial streams or rivers deposited sedimentary materials . 蛇形丘顯然是冰下河溪的沉積物堆積而成的很長的壟崗。

Erosion of gently dipping strata commonly results in the formation of asymmetrical ridges known as cuestas . 輕微傾斜地層的侵蝕通常造成非對稱的山脊,稱為單面山。

Poles and wire now carry electrical power and telephone communication over ridges that are deep in snow . 今日,電線桿和電線把電力和電話通訊送到積雪甚深的山嶺。