
riddle n.謎;謎語,啞謎;莫名其妙的事情,悶葫蘆;莫名其妙的人...


The riddle remains inscrutable to us 那個謎對我們仍然是不可解的。

Design and construction analysis of self - synchronous riddle 自同步直線振動篩的設計與結構分析

Riddle solving is beloved of all chinese 所有中國人都喜愛猜燈謎。

This ladder is riddled with woodworm 這個梯子已經讓蛀蟲蛀了很多洞

That painting is still a riddle to us 那幅畫對我們來說仍然是個謎。

It ' s like the riddle of the sphinx 這就像獅身人面像仍舊是個謎一樣。

This chapter will focus on the riddles of the planet 這一章的焦點將會放在那個行星的謎上。

I ' d be riddled with bullets right now 我現在早就被子彈打得千瘡百孔了

Sometimes life is a riddle that you can never solve 有時候,生活就是一個你無法解釋的謎。

Would you mind telling me one of his riddles 你介意說說他出的題目嗎

Probably it is another “ riddle of the riddles ” 這大概又是一個難以說清的“謎外謎”了。

Includes charades , riddles , and enigmas -提供各種有趣考試和益智游戲。

Silence for my brandnew riddle ! - imperium romanum , j . j “靜一靜,聽聽我這嶄新的謎語! ”

“ why , blame it , it s a riddle , don t you see “啊,真是的,這是一個謎語嘛,你不知道么?

Well , you can ' t shoot me . there ' s more to the riddle 但是你不能這么做還會有更多的謎語

She ' s a complete riddle , even to her parents 她是個很難了解的人,連她父母都無法了解她

Robert ' s disappearance is a complete riddle 羅伯特的失蹤完全是一個謎。

The workman riddled the cinders to get out the larger pieces 工人篩煤渣,把大塊篩出來。

The door of the fort was riddled with bullets 那碉堡的門滿是子彈彈孔。