
ridden adj.受…支配的,受…虐待的,受…折磨的,…橫行的。 ...


He therefore rode along with an air of dutiful submission . 因此,他一路唯命是從地跟在后面。

I don't like this shirt because it keeps riding up . 我不喜歡這件襯衣,因為它總是往上縮的。

Now he was far down the bazaar, riding furiously . 此時他已經飛也似地騎到遠遠的集市區去了。

I was ridden by a nightmare . 我被夢魘壓住了。

Longstaff was riding high . 朗斯達夫得意洋洋。

He rode away at full gallop . 他騎馬疾馳而去。

He rides in life guards . 他在近衛騎兵隊服務。

Feliks climbed on the bicycle and rode away rapidly . 費利克斯一抬腿上了車,飛快地騎走了。

Almost everyone, she heard, rode in aeroplanes now . 現在,她聽說,幾乎所有的人都乘飛機。

She has not been out riding since the accident . 她自從出了事故以后,一直沒有騎馬外出過。

The valve lifter, a round cylinder, rides on the cam . 氣門挺桿為一圓筒體,坐落在凸輪上。

He rode his horse to death . 他把馬騎得累死了。

“ah, but you'll give us a ride first, won't you? “ “噢,不過,你先讓我們搭車,好嗎?”

Your shirt 's riding up . 你的襯衫擁到上邊來了。

He walks when he might ride . 可以坐車,他卻走路。

He saddled a horse and rode off towards the city of york . 他備鞍上馬,向約克城奔去。

He was riding a dark bay . 他騎著一匹深赤褐色的馬。

He must know how to ride and at shot and cast a fly . 他們必須學會騎馬,射擊和垂釣。

We had ridden the willing horse to a standstill . 我們把這匹馴良的馬騎得都走不動了。