
riddance n.擺脫;除去,驅除。 a good riddance ...


Gary lineker said it was a case of “ good riddance “ , and terry butcher announced that maradona should never have been allowed to play in the world cup in the first place , because his previous drug conviction ( for taking cocaine , a drug which definitely does not enhance your ball skills ) meant he was setting a terrible example to young fans 加里?萊茵科爾說這是個“甩掉包袱”的事例,而泰里?布切爾聲稱馬拉多納根本不應允許再參加世界杯,因為他以前吸毒(因為服用可卡因,這是種絕對不會提高你球技的毒品)意味著他給年輕的球迷留下了一個可怕的示范。

Gary lineker said it was a case of “ good riddance “ , and terry butcher announced that maradona should never have been allowed to play in the world cup in the first place , because his previous drug conviction ( for taking cocaine , a drug which definitely does not enhance your ball skills ) meant he was setting a terrible example to young fans 加里?萊茵科爾說這是個“甩掉包袱”的事例,而泰里?布切爾聲稱馬拉多納根本不應允許再參加世界杯,因為他以前吸毒(因為服用可卡因,這是種絕對不會提高你球技的毒品)意味著他給年輕的球迷留下了一個可怕的示范。

A 250 dollar prize for the most creative act of riddance went to new yorker eileen lawrence , who symbolically shredded her spiral mixer 紐約市民艾琳?勞倫斯獲得“最具飲食習慣獎” ,并贏得250美元的獎金,她“粉碎”了她的前任老板。

A 250 dollar prize for the most creative act of riddance went to new yorker eileen lawrence , who symbolically shredded her former boss 紐約市民艾琳?勞倫斯獲得“最具創意除舊獎” ,并贏得250美元的獎金,她“粉碎”了她的前任老板。

“ i think gaga s doing you out of your hector . “ a good riddance , so far as i m concerned , “ replied the actress “你瞧, ”旺德夫爾對克拉利瑟喃喃說道, “我看加加正在搶你的埃克托爾呢。 ”

Most of those at the “ good riddance day “ came with bad memories they were keen to forget 許多來參加“忘掉煩惱日”的人們都有他們急于要忘記的糟糕的記憶。

Most of those at the “ good riddance day “ came with bad memories they were keen to forget 本周一晚,時代廣場聚集了數十萬的新年狂歡者。

Bill thought it was good riddance when his little brother broke his toy drum 比爾的小弟弟弄破了他的玩具鼓時,他覺得很高興。

Good riddance . - no -驅逐的好-不

Good riddance . i ' m glad he ' s gone , he never worked very hard anyways 好消息。很高興他走了,反正他從沒努力工作過。

They will be a good riddance 他們滾蛋最好。

You ' re better off without that jerk . good riddance , i say 少了那個混球你過得好多了。我是說,他走了最好。

Let us have riddance of these evils 我們來鏟除這些罪惡。

I ' ve thrown out all the old furniture , and good riddance 我把那舊家具統統扔掉了,真是謝天謝地!

They grow , they leave - good riddance 他們長大,他們離開-我就解脫了

And it ' s good riddance to the people who put you here 對那些把你送到這里來的人也是種寬慰。

They grow , they leave - - good riddance 他們長大,他們離開- -我就解脫了

They made a complete riddance of the mice in the warehouse 他們把倉庫里的老鼠消滅光了。

Good riddance . i hope i never see you again 太好了。我希望再也不要看到你。