
rid vt.1.使脫除,使搖脫 (of from)。2.〔方言...


Gm was secretly delighted to be rid of knudsen . 通用汽車公司對于擺脫掉了努森,暗中感到高興。

He hoped in this way to get rid of the troublesome prisoner . 他指望這樣除掉這個討厭的囚犯。

I can 't get rid of this cold . 傷風總是不好。

We should like to add a rider to the previous remarks . 我們想在原有的意見后面再加上一條。

The world is well rid of him . 那個家伙死得好。

She had hoped to get rid of the girl for good and all . 她原想一勞永逸地把這個姑娘趕走。

If she had listened to me she'd have got rid of him . 要是她肯聽我一句話,她就會撇開他。

Did you have any trouble getting rid of your salesman ? 你把那個推銷員打發走費事不費事?

Let them worry about how to get rid of the cars later . 讓他們在日后為處理車子而發愁吧。

He hoped to get rid of the pain in what was left of his knee . 他希望去除膝蓋處的疼痛。

She can 't get rid of the cold . 她傷風老是不好。

The horse threw its rider . 馬把騎馬的人掀翻下來。

Does he want to get rid of us ? 他要把我們辭掉嗎?

It is essential first to get rid of preconceived notions . 必須首先根除那些先入之見。

I will have to exercise to get rid of my spare tyre . 我得運動運動以減少腰部的脂肪。

Burn not your house to rid it of the mouse . 不要為了驅鼠而焚燒房屋(勿因小失大)。

“first, we'd get rid of donald radenbaugh . 首先,我們得把唐納德拉登博銷聲匿跡。

The rider 's horse easily surmounted the fence . 這名騎手的馬輕而易舉地越過了柵欄。

Henry was trying to get rid of me . 亨利企圖把我甩掉。