
ricochet n.(石片、槍彈等接觸地面、水面后的)跳飛;漂;跳飛的石...


The most benefit was at right - angles impact with a gradual loss of benefit at higher obliquity ' s , dropping to zero at about 55 degrees obliquity , and actually improving the penetration ability of the shell by making ricochet more difficult at a higher obliquity 這種效果在垂直擊中時最好,隨著入射角的增大而逐漸減弱,達到55度時效果消失,角度更大時則因為不容易制造跳彈,反而會加大彈頭的穿甲能力。

What irony if china , which takes pride in its own recent manned space flights , were to find its ambitions to put a man on the moon and eventually to build a space station set back someday by the still ricocheting rubble from its own irresponsible action 最諷刺的就是,中國近年來引以為自豪的載人飛行,如雄心勃勃的登月和最終建立空間站會受到挫折,比如說撞上自己這次不負責任行動留下的碎石。

We had no ricochet to fear ; and though one popped in through the roof of the log - house and out again through the floor , we soon got used to that sort of horse - play , and minded it no more than cricket 我們對流彈沒啥好怕的,盡管有一發炮彈從木屋頂上溜進來又從地板底下鉆了出去。我們很快就習慣了這吵人的玩意,對它的注意,不會比板球更多一點。

A safe direction means a direction in which a bullet cannot possibly strike anyone , taking into account possible ricochets and the fact that bullets can penetrate walls and ceilings “安全的方向”指在這個方向上彈頭不會擊中任何人,在確定這一點時要考慮到跳彈、考慮到彈頭可能穿透墻壁和天花板。

The transceivers , which relay lowpower radio waves above the heads of unsuspecting pedestrians , are part of a highspeed wireless network called ricochet 那些收發器是彈跳高速無線網路的組件,紐約市路燈桿與電線桿上一共裝了3000個,它們在行人頭上傳遞低功率無線電波,沒有人察覺過。

She witnessed the confused , ineffectual way her family absorbed the impact of the illness and learned how the effects of disease can ricochet among family members and back to the patient 目睹家人面對疾病時的困惑與束手無策,她了解到疾病如何影響家庭成員及病人本身。

If you want nonstop internet access for buying stocks , sending e - mail , reading the news or booking airline reservations , then ricochet may be for you 要是你為了在網際網路上買股票、送電子郵件、讀新聞或訂飛機票等,不想讓連線中斷,彈跳網也許適合你用。

She additionally starred in “ ricochet river “ lensed 1997 , a drama set in a pacific northwest logging town , co - starring jason james richter 盡管年紀輕輕,但是她靈氣逼人的模樣,已經讓電影公司視她為好萊塢甜姐的新掌門人。

Clarence seedorf had opened the scoring with a lucky ricochet just before the break , but andrea pisanu ' s volley earned the gialloblu a point 西多夫幸運的在半場結束前將球碰進了球門,但皮薩努則在下半時扳平了比分

The ball ricocheted off one of the blue seats , making a loud noise in the empty stadium 這顆球在藍鳥主場座位上彈跳,在空無一人的球場中發出了很大的聲音。

“ the marksman uses modified ammunition that has a chance to ricochet off enemies and walls “射手使用改性彈藥,有機會彈離敵人和墻壁“ 。

Bullets ricocheted off the street and the armored cars in mad , zinging screeches 子彈在街道和裝甲汽車上來回彈跳,尖嘯著到處飛舞。

Step to the side , bow your head like a bitch i don t play , you ll get hit by the ricochet 日夜被受冷落疲倦了我最愛雨中飄泊

Bullet ricochets , woman shrieks 子彈發射,女人尖叫

Are there going to be sand particles that ricochet up if you shoot it 有流彈和跳彈或者石頭濺起的設計嗎?

And , uh . ricocheted into the window 并且,呃,彈進窗戶里來

[ bullet ricochets , woman shrieks ] [子彈發射,女人尖叫]

He was hit by a start bullet by ricochet 他被一顆流彈彈回所傷。

The stone ricocheted off the wall and hit a passer - by 石頭擊中那面墻彈回打著了過路的人