
rickshaw n.人力車,黃包車。 a ricksha man 人力車...


A tour to beijing rear lake area . visitors will be arranged to visit the old beijing lanes by rickshaws , hutong tour lasts for 2 hours , led by local guide , visitors will visit the typical chinese quadrangles , primary school , many famous old building , like the bell tower , where you can experience the real life of ordinary people in beijing 驅車20分鐘到達北京什剎海,精彩的北京胡同游開始,游客將乘人力三輪車進入老北京胡同地區,走進普通百姓人家,體驗北京人的傳統生活,參觀該地區著名的古建筑,參觀時間2小時。

The first time i took my wife and children there , the street was so narrow you couldnt even take a car , there were only rickshaws to take you in . there are two sewers on either side of that road . as i walked by there , my eyes were just flooded with tears 我第一次帶著妻子和孩子回去,那條小巷窄得容不下汽車,我們只能坐人力車進去,小巷兩旁有污水道走過時,我熱淚盈眶,很難相信許多年前我的小腳也踏在那行人道上。

The rest of the issue is packed with things ranging from rickshaw rides to beaver bars , movies out on dvd and where you can still see them on the big screen , steakhouses that specialize in crabs , and even a bit for the bookworms 本期其它內容提供你滿滿的資訊,范圍從觀光三輪車beaver bars紅舫牛和紅蟹將軍一直到讓你知道電影下片時不只有dvd可選擇,你仍然可以在大銀幕上觀看甚至還有為書癡挖掘出的消息。

This year local authorities began a simultaneous campaign to clean up the surroundings of the taj by demolishing illegal structures , banning squatting and restricting rickshaws to designated areas 與此同時,當地政府今年開始整頓泰姬陵的周圍環境? ?違法建筑被清除、摩托車被禁止通行,黃包車只能在指定區域內活動。

During their trip of a lifetime with their parents , the globetrotting trio took 36 flights , 47 boat trips and 21 train journeys as well as travels by he - licopter , cable car and rickshaw 當他們和父母展開一生只有一次的旅程時,這環游世界三童組共搭36班飛機,坐47次船和21回火車,另外還搭直升機、纜車及人力車。

Auto parts & accessories required for indian motor bikes and auto rickshaw . variety of parts and accessories are bought by us like gears etc . for more details please check our website 尋找汽車單向器等汽車配件,請生產廠家與我們聯系,如果您想更加的了解我們,請訪問我們的網站

Two cases in point are luxun ' s story of ah q and laoshe ' s rickshaw boy , both of which were translated into many foreign languages and were well - received 魯迅的《阿q正傳》和老舍的《駱駝祥子》就是兩個最好的例子,這兩部文學作品被翻譯成多國語文后,深受當地讀者歡迎。

My energy was somehow at a standstill , so i sat silently , without thinking . it was until a police came out from the police station that i got off the rickshaw 我的活力這時大約有些凝滯了,坐著沒有動,也沒有想,直到看見分駐所里走出一個巡警,才下了車。

Image : 21a . gif you must not pass a traffic sign banning pedestrians or a traffic sign banning rickshaws and handcarts or use the road to which the ban applies Image : 21a . gif不可超越禁止行人人力車或手推車進入的交通標志,也不可使用有這些限制的道路。

In december , the association sent 2 rickshaw teams to participate in the rickshaw race on the acca charity day 此外,體育會亦在1998年12月組織了兩隊人力車隊,參加由英國特許會計師公會香港分會舉辦的慈善人力車大賽。

[ color = red ] [ b ] bustling [ / b ] [ / color ] capital : bicycles , scooters , and rickshaws crowd the streets in cambodia ' s capital , phnom penh 熙熙攘攘的首都:柬埔寨首都金邊街道上擠滿了自行車,小摩托車,人力車。

As the major means of transportation , they were also called yangche , which referred to rickshaws introduced from abroad 版主譯:從國外傳入的黃包車是當時主要的交通工具,也叫“洋車” 。

In this contest , you have to list the ingredients used by rickshaw to make the dish photographed above 除了命名競賽,我們還安排了材料競賽,請大家猜猜人力車餐廳做這道菜用了什麼材料!

Friday mosque in old delhi , before visiting the bazaars and spice markets around chandni chowk on a cycle rickshaw :全長33公里,蜿蜒起伏于青山碧海之間,是大連海岸線最美麗的一段。

Bustling capital : bicycles , scooters , and rickshaws crowd the streets in cambodia ' s capital , phnom penh 熙熙攘攘的首都:柬埔寨首都金邊街道上擠滿了自行車,小摩托車,人力車。

I went to beihai park by rickshaw for enjoying the view on both sides of the street 我為了欣賞馬路兩邊的風景坐人力車去了北海公園。

A rickshaw in london 倫敦的黃包車

You ' re a rickshaw - man 你是個人力車夫

The development of shanghai ' s modern public traffic viewed from the rickshaw 從人力車看近代上海城市公共交通的演變