
rickety adj.(-etier; -iest)1.佝僂病[軟骨病...


I am as rickety as a hackneycoach , i m as sleepy as laudanum , my lines is strained to that degree that i shouldn t know , if it wasn t for the pain in em , which was me and which somebody else , yet i m none the better for it in pocket ; and it s my suspicion that you ve been at it from morning to night to prevent me from being the better for it in pocket , and i won t put up with it , aggerawayter , and what do you say now 我的腰眼累壞了,若不是因為它疼,我簡直連哪里是我,哪里是別人都分不清楚了。可是兜里還是沒有增加幾文。所以我懷疑你從早到晚都在祈禱不讓我的腰包鼓起來,我是不會饒你的,他奶奶的,你現在還有什么可說的! ”

Continually watching the loaded vehicles moving out of moscow from all directions , and balancing his bulky person carefully not to slip out of the rickety old chaise , pierre had the happy sensation of a run - away schoolboy , as he chatted with his driver 他不停地四處張望從四面八方開出來的駛離莫斯科的車輛,挪動自己笨重的軀體,以免滑下咿啞作響的破舊車廂,他體會到了逃學的孩子的高興心情,同車夫聊了起來。

The machine had begun , and a moving concatenation of three horses and the aforesaid long rickety machine was visible over the gate , a driver sitting upon one of the hauling horses , and an attendant on the seat of the implement 機器開始割麥了,從柵欄門這邊看過去,只見三匹馬并排拉著前面說過的搖搖晃晃的長方形機器向前走著,有一匹拉機器的馬上騎著一個趕馬的,機器的座位上坐著一個看機器的。

When a giant wave crashed over the side of the rickety wooden fishing boat , pounding salt water into his open sores and washing the last of his food supplies overboard , fode ndiaye wondered if the end had come 這位26歲的怒海馀生者,在瘋狗浪毀了所有可能讓他活下去的食物后,又在海上飄流了5天,靠著海水維生。

And as we drove along narrow , uneven roads and passed by many rickety houses , locals standing on the roadsides waved their hands and shouted , “ bravo 當我們行駛在狹窄崎嶇的道路上,經過許多搖搖欲墜的房屋時,當地居民都站在道路兩旁向我們揮手致謝:太棒了!

The rickety little waggon was already laden , and the girl led out the horse prince , only a degree less rickety than the vehicle 那輛搖搖晃晃的小馬車已經裝好了,苔絲把那匹名叫王子的馬牽了出來,同那輛馬車比起來,它搖晃的程度也好不了多少。

The pair of legs that carried him were rickety , and there was a bias in his gait which inclined him somewhat to the left of a straight line 他走路的一雙腿搖搖晃晃的,走路的姿態不能保持一條直線,老是朝左邊歪著。

He dropped these on the rickety table and scurried from their presence , slamming the book - covered door behind him 他把托盤放在那張搖搖晃晃的桌子上,立刻三步并作兩步地離開了,重重地關上了那扇被書隱藏的門。

Fortunately , he fancied that dant s was delirious ; and placing the food on the rickety table , he withdrew 幸虧獄卒以為唐太斯在講囈語,他把食物放在那張歪歪斜斜的桌子上后,就退了出去。

The ladder looks rather rickety ; don ' t attempt to climb it unless you are sure you can do it with safety 這梯子看起來不怎么牢固,除非能確保安全,否則你就不要去爬。

She sat down in a rather gingerly fashion on the rickety old chair 她以極為小心翼翼的樣子做在那搖搖晃晃的舊椅子上。

When lights fuse , furniture gets rickety , pipes get clogged 電燈保險絲斷了,家具因榫頭運動而東倒西歪了,水管堵塞了。

Rickety pickety my red hen 可可,我的紅色母雞。

Though the bridge is a bit rickety , there is no immediate danger 橋雖然有點搖晃,但還不會馬上有危險。

In the macphails' there was nothing but a poor, worn bed with a ragged mosquito net, a rickety chair, and a washstand . 麥克費爾夫婦住的那間只有一張蹩腳,破舊的床,上面罩著破破爛爛的蚊帳,還有一把晃晃悠悠的椅子和一個洗臉架。

The three ships formed up, moved in close to shore, and set ablaze most of the island's rickety buildings . 三艘軍艦編成隊,向海岸緊逼,把島上大部分東倒西歪的房子轟得烈火沖天。

As i can't afford to live in a grand house, he comes and stays in these rickety old chambers with me . 我住不起高樓大廈,他就跑來跟我作伴,住在這種搖搖欲墜的破房子里。

As dorian hurried up its three rickety steps, the heavy odour of opium met him . 道林快步走上那三級不住晃動的梯級時,聞到了濃重的鴉片煙味。

The rickety little waggon was already laden . 那輛搖搖晃晃的貨車,已經裝好了車子。