
rickettsia n.(pl. -siae , -sias) 【微生物學】...


There are three types of typhus fever , namely flea - borne typhus urban typhus , mite - borne typhus scrub typhus and louse - borne typhus epidemic typhus . they are caused by different types of “ rickettsiae “ 斑疹傷寒共有三種,即蚤傳斑疹傷寒城?斑疹傷寒傳斑疹傷寒叢林斑疹傷寒及虱傳斑疹傷寒流行性斑疹傷寒,是由不同類型的立克次氏體所引起的疾病。

Isolation and identification of rickettsia tsutsugamushi from nan ao and nan peng lie island 南澎列島恙蟲病立克次體的分離鑒定

Study on aetiology of rickettsia heilongianggii tick borne spot - ted fever 黑龍江立克次體蜱傳斑點熱的病原學研究