
rick n.,vt.〔英國〕禾堆,干草堆;堆成草堆。 rick ...


I just got an e - mail from rick 我剛收到瑞克的一封電子郵件。

I can ' t believe she ' s kissing rick 真不敢相信她在和瑞克接吻

Rick : you know what i really miss 瑞克:你知道我想念什么嗎?

Rick : i thought i liked pinot , but this takes the cake 瑞克:我以為我會喜歡皮諾,但這就很棒了。

Rick stood in my dorm lobby , so tall and handsome 里克站在我的宿舍前廳里,那么高大,那么英俊。

Prior to joining ibm , rick studied for a ph . d . in physics 在加入ibm之前, rick在攻讀物理博士。

Rick : did you hear that tom was working as a chef ? (瑞克:你有聽說湯姆現在當廚師的消息嗎? )

But i gotta give it to my man dancing rick 但是我得說勝者是里克!

How do you do ? my name is rick cherry . i ' m an architect 你好!我叫瑞克?切麗。我是搞建筑的。

Rick loves to go fishing with his father 他喜愛和他的父親去捕魚。

Tonight , our own dancing rick is being called out 今晚,里克將和

It ' s ugandan . call me rick . it ' s easier 烏干達人,叫我雷克,好記些

Rick : isn ' t that a region in france 瑞克:那不是法國的一個地區嗎?

This happens to be the record of rick guerin 他的名字是瑞克?吉林。

It ' s my buddy rick , well i think it ' s his brother ' s house 我哥們rick這個好像是他哥哥的家

Dana : rick , i think you might be right 丹娜:瑞克,我想你說的沒錯。

Rick : so you ' ll continue to date all kind of men 里克:那么你還會跟不同人種的男人約會嘍?

Rick : mark ! i can ' t take the pressure 瑞克:馬克!我受不了這壓力了!

. . . but i gotta give it to my man dancing rick 但是我得說勝者是里克!