
ricin n.【生物化學】蓖麻蛋白;蓖麻子白蛋白〔會凝集紅血球〕。


Ricin a chain ( rta ) is an active chain and has specific n - glycosidase activity , which excises a specific adenine residue ( a4324 in rat ) from a highly conserved loop of 26 or 28s rrna in 60s ribosomal subunits . this cleavage of adenine can lead to the disruption of ribosomal function , thereby , inhibits the protein synthesis and then cause the death of cells A鏈是活性鏈,具有n -糖苷酶活性,可催化切斷真核生物60s亞基28srrna中第4324位腺嘌呤與核糖分子之間的糖苷鍵,使其脫去一個腺嘌呤,使核糖體60s亞基失活,從而抑制蛋白質的合成。

It is known from studies using brefeldin a ( bfa ) that disruption of tgn can block the cytotoxicity of ricin , suggesting that the intracellular compartment may be an important part of the uptake pathway . ricin enters the cells by receptor - mediated endocytosis , followed by translocation across the membranes of intracellular organelles . in this study , a trans - golgi retention peptide signal yqrl was fused to the c - terminus of ricin a chain ( rta ) by polymerase chain reaction 本實驗為重點研究反式高爾基體在毒素細胞內轉運過程中的作用,我們設計了一個反式高爾基體的靶向信號肽基因yqrl ( tyr - gln - arg - leu )連接在rta分子的羧基端,用原核表達蛋白體系,純化并測定rta - yqrl與rta蛋白對hela (人宮頸癌細胞) , wish (人羊膜上皮細胞) , skov - 3 (人卵巢癌細胞)三種細胞的毒性作用。

Translocation from endocytic compartments to the cytosol is the essential and rate - limiting step in the intoxication process of most toxins such as ricin , diphtheria toxin , shiga toxin and pseudomonas exotoxin ( pe ) . a number of these toxins are transported to trans - golgi network ( tgn ) , and in many cases such transport to the tgn is required for the translocation and cytotoxicity . in deed , 5 % of the ricin endocytosed by cells has been shown to reach the tgn 蓖麻毒素進入細胞的機理不甚明了,一般認為是rtb先與細胞膜受體結合,主要經過受體介導的內吞作用進入吞噬體,然后沿著內體、高爾基體、內質網等逆向分泌途徑,有序地運輸到內質網,最后從內質網轉位進入細胞漿,在胞漿內攻擊核糖體,從而抑制蛋白質的合成,導致細胞死亡。

It is toxic for most mammalian cells since ricin a chain ( rta ) is an rna specific n - glycosidase that removes a specific adenine residue in a highly conservative region from among over 4000 nucloside residues present in 28s rrna , and causes protein synthesis inhibition and cell death Rta具有n -糖苷酶活性,可催化28srrna在4234位脫去腺嘌呤,使核糖體60s亞基失活,從而抑制蛋白質合成,導致細胞死亡。 b鏈( rtb )是結合鏈,能和細胞表面半乳糖受體結合,協助a鏈進入細胞內。

Because expressed in escherichia coli , ricin a chain is not degraded easily for its non - glycosylation . our experiments lay a foundation for the researches that rta conjugates a monoclonal antibody to synthesize immunotoxins and the immunotoxins are used for cancer - targeted therapy 蓖麻毒素a鏈在大腸桿菌中表達,因無糖基化修飾,克服了進入體內后被迅速降解的缺點,為進一步與單鏈抗體基因嵌合表達形成單鏈免疫毒素,對腫瘤細胞進行導向治療研究奠定基礎。

Ricin toxin has wide - range anti - tumor spectrum . however , because rta has no selectivity , it can damge normal ce lls too . these years , ricin and it ' s a chain ( rta ) have been used to conjugate with monoclonal antibody to prepare immunotoxins ( its ) 近年來,蓖麻毒a鏈可以與單克隆抗體相交聯而制備免疫毒素( immunotoxin , it ) ,免疫毒素既具有強大的腫瘤殺傷作用,同時又有抗體的特異性,可以將毒素分子靶向運送到腫瘤細胞,以減少對正常細胞的損傷。

Ricin b chain ( rtb ) can specifically recognize receptors on the cell membrane , which have a terminal galactose . rtb is responsible for the binding to the cell receptors and may facilitate the translocation of rta B鏈具有凝集素活性,其本身幾乎沒有毒性,主要作用就是識別和結合細胞表面末端含有半乳糖基結構的受體,并協助a鏈進入細胞內。

We know from iraq ' s past admissions that it has successfully weaponized not only anthrax , but also other biological agents , including botulinum toxin , aflatoxin and ricin 我們從伊拉克過去承認的事實中了解到,它已不僅成功地將炭菌病毒制武器化了,而且將包括肉毒菌毒素、黃曲霉毒素和蓖麻毒素等生物制劑武器化了。

Ricin toxin ( rt ) is a plant toxin isolated from the seeds of ricinus communis . it is one of the most powerful plant toxin discovered 蓖麻毒素( ricintoxin , rt )是從大戟科植物蓖麻( ricinuscommnnis )的種子中提取的一種毒性蛋白,具有強烈的細胞毒性。

Our goal is to express the ricin a chain ( rta ) and its modification rta - kdel ( er - retrival signal ) in escherichia coli 本論文旨在研究蓖麻毒素a鏈蛋白( rta )及其修飾體rta - kdel (內質網保留信號肽)在大腸桿菌中的表達。

It is estimated that the protein , ricin , found in the castor bean plant is as much as 6 , 000 times more poisonous than cyanide 據估計,蓖麻子豆中找到的一種名為蓖麻毒素的蛋白質,所含的毒性物質比氰化物多出了6000倍。

Police in las vegas , nevada , are investigating the discovery of what they said is the deadly poison ricin in a hotel room 警方正在對在內華達州拉斯維加斯一賓館房間內發現的致命毒藥蓖麻毒素展開調查。

Ricin enters the cells by receptor - mediated endocytosis , followed by translocation across the membranes of intracellular compartments 蓖麻毒素具有強烈的細胞毒性,具有抗腫瘤的應用前景。

Fold recongition and structure simulation for the ricin - like domain of human polypeptide : n - acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 乙酰氨基半乳糖轉移酶2蓖麻蛋白樣結構域的折疊識別和結構模擬

Snake venom , cytotoxin and plant poisonous protein such as ricin all have the defence function 蛇毒、細胞毒素及植物毒蛋白質,如蓖麻蛋白等,均具有防御功能。

Ricin is a heterodimeric rip comprised of a and b chains joined through a disulfide bond A鏈( rta )是活性鏈,分子量約32kd ,第十位殘基asn連接一條寡糖鏈。

The network is teaching its operatives how to produce ricin and other poisons 這個網絡教授它的人員如何制作蓖麻毒素和其他毒藥。