
richly adv.富裕地;豐饒地;濃厚地;濃郁地;華美地;〔主要和...

richter scale

This same foolhardy practice is richly illustrated in remaining minoan artwork 同樣的愚勇習俗在克里特文明遺址的藝術品上大量地描繪。

Spring is coming and people live richly and abundantly . life is short but happy 大地回春生活富裕又有禮,人生雖短促卻是愉快幸福的。

Richly - paid job 薪水豐厚的工作

He laughed richly 他朗聲笑了。

The bridges of madison county presents a richly - textured emotional tapestry “廊橋遺夢”向觀眾展現了一份精心編織的情感世界。

A millionairess richly 一位女富豪

Bija presents richly flavored , timetested healing tea blends that restore good health Bija茶味香濃茶能有效地使你回復健康。

Madame de villefort has nothing of her own , and hates me for being so richly endowed 嗯,我想她是在嫉妒我。噢,我的上帝!

Ghaus are normally richly decorated in the front , and plain at the back 通常它的前方裝飾得很莊嚴背面則無特別的圖案。

God will bless you richly 愿上帝大大地祝福你!

. . . who was richly rewarded for not only setting the great blaze . . 他被給予很多的獎賞,不僅是因為他放了大火. .

They went into the elegantly , newly and richly furnished dining - room 他們走進一間重新裝修得豪華而優雅的餐廳。

Richly paid foreigners can also cause jealousy among locals 而收入豐厚的外國人也可能會引起本地人之間的妒忌。

The burning questions of my childhood had been richly answered 我自幼就渴望弄清楚的問題如今有了完美的答案。

Applause goes to lee who richly deserves the honor awarded by the gio 獲頒新聞局這項殊榮的李安,實至名歸。

Great efforts with no words in the past years would be paid richly 前些年的默默付出,終將迎來豐厚的回報。

These ancient prophecies are all richly steeped in symbolism 這些古老的預言是極為豐富的堆積如山的象征。

The hotel is fitted richly in chongqing 重慶富安大酒店

I should not care if you did , mr heathcliff ; she richly deserves it “你攆,我也不管,希刺克厲夫先生。