
riches n.〔sing., pl.〕〔常 pl.〕財富,財寶;豐...


Don ' t count your riches in front of the poor 別在窮人面前擺闊

Oh , so many offers , chi chi . it ' s an embarrassment of riches 噢,邀請太多了。多得讓人不好選擇

Gentility is but ancient riches 出身高貴,只不過是其祖輩有錢。

And for that , it was all the riches a man could ever want 而那,正是一個男人最夢寐以求的財富。

“ and his immense riches , whence does he procure them ? “而他的財產,據一般人說,簡直是無限”

Would you rather have riches , or your child alive again 你寧愿家產萬貫,還是寧愿孩子活著呢?

He fell heir to his uncle ' s riches 他成為他叔父大筆財富的繼承人。

Untold riches , toys , and prizes beyond your wildest dreams 你們想都想不到的財寶、玩具和獎金

I want to enjoy the riches of the world 我希望享受世界的豐富多彩。

It is a fallacy to suppose that riches always bring happiness 想像財富總是帶來幸福是謬論。

Why the riches in china do not donate money 中國的富人為什么不捐錢?

. . . i would lavish her with riches befitting royalty 我將對她無比的忠實讓她享盡榮華富貴

Riches serve a wise man but commands a fool 聰明人使財富為自已服務,傻瓜卻任它支配自已

I mean , is it all true ? untold riches 我是說,是真的嗎?數不清的財寶?

Come west not for adventure or riches or exploration , 不是為了冒險、財富或是探索去西部

Her life is a rags - to - riches story 她的一生是一個從赤貧走向暴富的故事。

She wants to have fame , riches and eternal good looks 一個她拜金主義者,一心往上爬。

We do not see education as merely the road to riches 我們不認為教育僅僅是致富之道。

The more riches a fool hath , the greater fool he is 諺傻瓜越富越蠢。