
richen vt.使富有;使濃;使(混合燃料)可燃成分更高。


According to the results of this research and other related research , the author proposes : ( 1 ) implicit learning and reflective abstraction , especially unconscious reflective abstraction , seem to be two different descriptions of the same psychological mechanism . therefore , it is a sound approach to develop the research of reflective abstraction by the approach of implicit learning ; ( 2 ) it is impossible and sound to richen piaget ' s theory by using the methods of modern cognitive psychology 根據本研究和已有的相關研究的結果,筆者認為, ( 1 )內隱學習與反省抽象(尤其是無意識反省抽象)似乎可以看作是對同一心理機制的兩種描述,而從內隱學習的角度來深化反省抽象研究是一條可行的途徑; ( 2 )以現代認知心理學中的研究方法來豐富皮亞杰理論研究是可能和可行的。

Based on interview with teachers , literature summary and revision of foreign questionnaire , a bullying self - report questionnaire was constructed to test the relationship between school bullying and self - concept . this thesis can richen the academic knowledge on bullying , and can help to found a entire model to foresee and remedy the bullying behavior 目的在于探討兩者的相關,能進一步豐富欺負方面的理論知識,把握好欺負行為發生的特點以及欺負與其他相關因素之間的交互作用,有助于建立起欺負相關因素的一個全面模型,對欺負做出預測與矯治。

This project can rely on resource advantage , area advantage and dominant position of industry of form a complete set , fishing of door of boat hill archipelago , shenyang in the design that humanitarian culture blends in this project , richen has fishing line of set each other off of each other of the yacht of characteristic , houseboat , outspread the culture connotation that sees with augment sea upper reaches 該項目可以依托資源優勢、區位優勢及配套產業優勢,將舟山群島、沈家門漁都的人文文化融入該項目的設計中,使富有漁都特色的游船、游艇互相映襯,延伸和擴充海上游覽的文化內涵。

According to the history and contemporary condition of the world wine industry and the character of chinese grape wine industry , guofeng ' s marketing environment and the company ' s inner superior and inferior situation were analyzed . the questions of guofeng ' s marketing were found and listed . then the paper put forward the marketing strategy for guofeng company according to 4ps , 4cs , 4rs and integration marketing theory : to reselect gansu middle market as its target market and relocate its marketing position by its unique location and green products concept , to richen its middle product - line , to strengthen wine culture promotion , and to build sale place 論文主要運用現代營銷理論,采取市場調查法、文獻查閱法、 swot分析法等研究方法,結合世界葡萄酒行業發展的趨勢和中國葡萄酒消費市場的特征,分析了國風干紅的市場營銷環境、公司內部的優、劣勢資源條件及其營銷現狀和存在的問題,運用傳統的4ps營銷理論并結合4cs 、 4rs營銷理論以及整合營銷理論,提出國風公司應選擇甘肅葡萄酒中端市場為其目標市場,以獨特的產地優勢和綠色產品概念為國風品牌定位,向市場提供高品質中價位的產品。

The development course of mathematical conjecture is demonstrated from its definition , origination , categorical character , resolvent using a method of historical analysis , the conclusion shows that mathematical conjecture is a convenient scientific method and an important thought form . to sum up , the study and the settlement of mathematical conjecture not only richen mathematical theory , but creat a lot of new methods , furthermore , it promotes the research on mathematical methodology and advance a development of mathmatics itself 研究了數學猜想及其對數學發展的影響.采用歷史分析的方法,從數學猜想的定義、來源、提出方法、類型和解決的主要方法等方面論述了數學猜想的歷程和發展.數學猜想是數學研究的一種常用科學方法,又是數學發展的一種重要思維形式,研究和解決數學猜想,不但可以豐富數學理論,還會創造出許多新方法,促進數學方法論的研究和推動數學的發展

Studying anti - poverty in western area will further richen such subjects as developing economics and district economics etc . , make people deeply understand the law of “ anti - strategy , guide the practice of antipoverty effectively 深入研究西部反貧困,將進一步豐富發展經濟學、區域經濟學等學科,更深刻地認識反貧困的規律,從而更有效地指導反貧困的實踐。

If the mixture is to lean , the rpm ' s will start to speed up 2 , 000 , 2 , 100 , 2 , 200 , 2 , 300 . richen up the low end 稀油:引擎轉速會慢慢上升后熄火請順時針轉副油針。