
richardson n.理查森〔姓氏〕。


For more information write mind control conference c / o sitprca , p . o . box 835564 , richardson , texas 75083 - 5564 . phone ( 214 ) 699 - 8599 or fax ( 214 ) 235 - 0529 這是第一次著眼于接近反操縱的祭儀幸存者和政府精神控制的幸存者的會議。

“ the manager wants all his players sharp and on the ball , ready to play if needed , “ explained richardson to the manchester evening news “經理需要他所有的球員興奮和注意力在足球上,隨時準備比賽“ ,理查森解釋給曼徹斯特晚間新聞。

Kieran richardson is desperate to play in sunday ' s fa cup third round tie against aston villa and prove he is worthy of a place in the team 理查德森特別渴望能在周末對陣維拉的足總杯中出場并證明自己有實力在隊中獲得一席之地。

The former old trafford assistant manager also took time out to praise kieran richardson and ben foster , two young players who he feels have great futures “他看來就快恢復到他的最佳狀態了,他有能力成為一位偉大的中衛。 ”

B : i am terribly sorry , mr . richardson . we sent the plans by express mail to our branch in shanghai , but they appear to have gotten lost 十分抱歉,理查德遜先生。我們把計劃用快件給上海分公司寄去了,但很可能寄丟了。

I am terribly sorry , mr . richardson . we sent the plans by express mail to our branch in shanghai , but they appear to have gotten lost 十分抱歉,理查德遜先生。我們把計劃用快件給上海分公司寄去了,但很可能寄丟了。

New mexico state governor and us presidential candidate bill richardson urges the immediate withdrawal of all us troops from iraq 新墨西哥州長和美國總統候選人比爾?理查森極力主張所有美軍應實時由伊拉克撤軍。

“ of the other united lads i remember seeing richardson as a schoolboy and thinking then what a good prospect he was , “ he said 他說: “我記得當時看到理查德森的時候他還是一個學生,他的天賦讓我記憶猶新” 。

Richardson , who is expected to feature in sunderland ' s friendly against darlington on wednesday , described the move as “ exciting “ 理查德森可能出戰周三和達靈頓的友誼賽,他說這次轉會是“令人激動的” 。

On feb . 2005 , signed product development agreement with u . s . a . richardson company to produce advanced medical instrument of 17 “ 1m 2005年3月,沈陽bigtide公司hl1516c12產品出口荷蘭,正式為荷蘭水晶

However richardson has said he will fight for his place in the united team , but has not ruled out a move elsewhere 盡管理查德森表示他將為了他的曼聯位置而努力,但并不排除他將轉會去其他球隊。

Richardson , n . v . , holloway , s . ( eds . ) , handbook of surface science vol . 1 : physical structure , north holland , elsevier , 1996 聞立時, 《固體材料界面研究的物理基礎》 ,科學出版社,北京, 1991 。

Alan richardson publishes “ successful marketing strategies “ an informative newsletter full of internet marketing strategies 理查森艾倫發表“成功的營銷策略“一個充滿資訊通訊網路行銷策略

Kieran richardson has also got an outside chance but i ' d certainly expect gary , rio and wes to be on that plane 基蘭-理查德森也有機會,但是我非常希望內維爾、費迪南德和布朗登上飛機。

Having left graeme murty trailing , his adroit cutback found richardson only for the midfi elder to lose his footing 過掉了莫迪之后他熟練的找到了理查德森,但是這家伙卻滑倒了。

Only then will the technology go beyond , as microsoft ' s richardson puts it , mere “ mt promises 就像微軟的李查森所言,唯有如此,機器翻譯技術才能突破口頭上的保證。

Richardson also called on president bush to force pakistani president pervez musharraf to step down 理查森還呼吁總統布什施加要求巴基斯坦總統穆沙拉夫下臺。

New mexico governor bill richardson is expected to say he is starting an exploratory committee 新墨西哥州州長比爾?理查森預計宣布他開始籌備試探委員會。

Richardson also called on president bush to force pakistani president pervez musharraf to step down 并號召總統布什迫使塔基斯坦總統穆沙拉夫下臺。