
richards n.理查茲〔姓氏〕。


But i guess you never played football in high school , did you , richards 我猜你高中里從來沒打過橄欖球。是吧,理查斯。

Richards and new criticism 瑞恰茲與新批評

Richards nail in the treatment of the intertrochanteric of femur - reports of 26 cases 微創接骨板固定術治療骨折的進展

Mr . richards : those women are very hard - working . what are their jobs 理查茲先生:那些姑娘很勤快。她們是做什么工作的?

Reed richards : [ seeing the silver surfer in the distance ] johnny 里德?理查茲(看著“銀影俠“飛走的方向) :約翰尼。

And there ' s keith richards waiting on the sofa in the lobby 而基思?理查德(滾石吉他手)正坐在大廳里的沙發上等我

Richards was taken to a nearby hospital to be treated for minor head injuries 理查斯隨即被送到醫院治療頭部輕傷。

Mr . richards : how do you do 理查茲先生:你們好!

Richards says he knows his words were offensive and has apologized 理查茲說他知道他的話有攻擊性并進行了道歉。

But richards was too late 但是理查茲還是太遲了。

Complications of intertrochanter fracture of the femur after richards nail 釘治療股骨粗隆部骨折手術并發癥12例

But richards was too late 但是理查茲已經太遲了。

Mrs . richards quickly hid in the small storeroom under the stairs 理查茲夫人便趕緊躲到了樓梯下的小儲藏室里。

Being the same age i know how she must feel , “ richards said 因為和她同齡,所以我了解她會有什么樣的感受。 ”

Richards says he knows his words were offensive and has apologized 理查茲說他知道他的話過了火并已經道歉了。

Effect of richards pins on the treatment of femur intertrochanteric fracture 釘治療股骨轉子間骨折的效果

Then you ' re just in time to hear the great reed richards . . 你正好趕上,能聽到偉大的瑞德理查德斯. .

Effect of richards dhs for treatment of femoral intertrochanteric fracture 釘內固定治療股骨粗隆間骨折

Nobel : medicine : george richards minot 諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎