
richard n.理查德〔姓氏,男子名〕。 Richard Roe 【...


You got it , richard . - richard . you ' re my boss 沒錯,理查德-理查德,你是我老板

Professor richard l . davis chair professor of history 戴仁柱教授歷史系講座教授

Thank you , richard . i ' ll bring the money later 謝謝你, richard .我待會兒拿錢來

Richard : it ' s on me , buddy . it ' s on me 理查德:包在我身上,伙計。包在我身上。

Richard . l brought you a call sheet for tomorrow 理查,我給你帶來了明天的通告單

Richard , how much broccoli do i need for seven people 七個人吃需要多少花椰菜?

Richard : we import our leather from australia 理查:我們的皮革是從澳洲進口的。

- i won ' t let you down , richard . - precisely -我不會讓你失望的,理查德-正是如此

I won ' t let you down , richard . - precisely 我不會讓你失望的,理查德-正是如此

Discoveries continued to accumulate and in 1972, richard leakey announced the finding of the 1470 skull--named for its collection number . 俟后陸續有所發現,理查德利基于1972年宣稱,他發現了1470號頭骨(以其標本采集號來稱呼)。

Of the many case histories recounted, that of richard sorge enlightened and affected levchenko the most . 在所講到的許許多多的案例中,使列夫欽科最受啟發和最受影響的是理查德佐爾格的經歷。

The veteran excavator richard leakey declared in 1977: “there is no single center where modern man was born. “ 老資格的考古挖掘家里查德利基在1977年聲稱:“現代人沒有單一的誕生中心。”

He had placed the money in my hands with instructions to me to retain my own part of it and hand the rest to richard . 他把錢交給了我,囑咐我把自己的一部分留下,把其余的交給理查德。

Richard said, but quietly, knowing that he was lost: “but all the same, mister, i wasn't there. “ 理查德已經知道無望,但語氣仍然很平靜:“盡管是一路貨,先生,可我不在場”。

In that tranquil setting richard nixon was enduring the long final torment of his political career . 在這寧靜的環境中,理查德、尼克松正在忍受著他政治生涯中漫長的最后折磨。

Richard nixon's great accomplishments are woven like a golden thread through the fabric of the past 37 years . 尼克松的偉大就象一根金線貫穿在過去三十七年的歷史中。

A true class performance was turned in by ex-federal and state prosecutor richard thornburgh . 真正做出一流成績的是聯邦和州的前任檢查官理查德索恩伯格。

Up to the time of his death, richard colson was one of the most notable figures in our town . 理查得科爾森生前一直是我們鎮上最有名望的人物之一。

The popularity which duke richard had won for the house of york was to be deep and to last long . 查理公爵為約克家族贏得的聲望是相當深遠持久的。