
rich adj.1.富有的,富裕的,有錢的。2.富于…的 (in...


The mountains on some of the islands are very rich . 有些島上的山峰真是多得很。

She is by no means poor ; in fact , she is quite rich . 她可不窮,其實她很闊。

Everyone is trying to get rich quick nowadays . 現在每個人都想要盡快發財致富。

She was rich . she was also selfish . 她很富。她也很自私。

Like the king he had a rich physical gift . 同國王一樣,他生就一副健壯的體魄。

Our cousins beyond the seas are very rich . 我們那些在海外的表兄弟姐妹很富有。

The young minstrel had a rare, rich voice . 這個青年歌手有一幅稀有的嘹亮嗓音。

Rich and gentlemanly, what does he care ? 又有錢,又有氣派,他還用牽掛什么呢?

You can not get rich without taking risks . 人不冒險不富。

We got a loan from our rich uncle . 我們從我們很有錢的伯父那里借到了一筆貸款。

His voice had a rich melodic quality . 他的音色渾厚而優美。

She was full of a rich drowsiness and loneliness . 她形單影只,感到昏昏欲睡。

They are in with the rich people . 他們與有錢的人過往甚密。

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich . 把富人搞垮幫不了窮人的忙。

Are you in favor of soaking the rich ? 你贊成向富人多征稅嗎?

A scene of rich harvest spread out before us . 一片豐收景象展現在我們面前。

The rich mixture, as it burns, streams out . 富油混合氣會在燃燒的同時流出。

Johnny has views upon a rich man's daughter . 強尼打算和一個富家千金結婚。

She refuses, because he is not rich . 她一口回絕,因為他太窮。