
rice n.賴斯〔姓氏〕。

rice flour

A water or alcoholic extract of rice polishings produced dramatic cures in polyneuritic fowls . 米糖的水浸提物或醇浸提物對患多發性神經炎的雞產生奇跡般的療效。

For example the people in the south tend to eat more rice , while the northern people eat more noodles . 譬如南方人傾向吃較多的米飯,然而北方人吃較多的面食。

In all the rice-producing areas of the world, huge quantities of rice polishings and rice bran are produced . 世界上所有產稻地區生產大量的稻米細糠和稻米糠。

Similarly, britain could not expect to force foreign sellers of rice to supply it more cheaply . 同樣,英國也不能指望迫使外國的大米銷售商廉價供應大米。

Rice production duly expanded, greatly facilitated, it was thought, by subsidized credit . 曾經有一種觀點,補貼信貸會極大地促進大米生產,使其充分發展。

In order to catch the train in time , he polished off two bowls of rice in 5 minutes . 為了及時趕上火車,他在五分鐘內就把兩碗飯狼吞虎咽地吃光了。

To educate the young generation in such a way is just like making the rice shoots grow by pulling them up . 用這種方法教育下一代無異于拔苗助長。

The rice weevil is a good example of the high reproducibility of some grain insect species . 米象是一些谷物昆蟲中繁殖能力強的典型。

Rice is the most important cereal in many tropical and sub-tropical areas . 在很多熱帶和亞熱帶地區,水稻是最主要的谷類作物。

A known gene with a desirable quality can be inserted into a rice plant . 一種已知的品質優良的基因可以被移植到水稻體內。

I always remember her as being dried up and old, like a piece of yellow rice paper . 我永遠記得她干癟衰老得象發黃的紙。

Why do you eat sticky rice wrapped up in bamboo leaves on dragon boat day ? 為什么你們在端午節吃用竹葉包的糯米飯呢?

The rice is burnt . 飯煳了。

In addition to the tractor , we have acquired a new rice transplanter . 除了拖拉機,我們又添了一臺插秧機。

The rice is burnt . 飯燒焦了。

The rice is done . 飯已經熟了。

Beans onions and rice grow in the black soil of the delta . 豆洋蔥以及稻米生長在河口附近的黑色土壤里。

The grasslands are the most suitable areas for wet rice cultivation . 這些草地是栽種水稻最適宜的地區。

The rice is under cooked . 米飯沒煮透。