
ricardo n.1.里卡多〔姓氏〕。2.David Ricardo ...


The game is an opportunity for ricardo carvalho and paulo ferreira to play against the club with whom they too won the champions league 這是卡瓦略和費雷拉面對自己曾經一起奪得冠軍杯的球隊的機會。

Midfielder frank lampard and defender ricardo carvalho have also been sidelined this month with thigh and ankle injuries respectively 中場蘭帕德和后衛卡瓦略也受到了大腿和踝關節傷勢的侵擾。

It began with ricardo carvalho breaking - up a liverpool attack and racing out of defence before slipping a sublime pass to drogba 這個球源于卡瓦羅的一次解圍,他跑出了禁區直傳塞給了德羅巴。

Paulo ferreira could make a start at right - back with khalid boulerhouz taking a centre - back slot from jt or ricardo carvalho 卡勞和米克爾有可能出場,切爾西期待獲得這個月以來的第一次勝利。

Ricardo oliveira and milan are celebrating the release of his sister , maria , more than five months after her kidnapping 里卡多奧里韋拉和米蘭在慶祝他的姐姐,瑪麗亞,在被綁架五個月后獲救。

Ac milan coach carlo ancelotti has spoken with striker ricardo oliveira about a return to spains primera liga 米蘭主教練卡洛?安切洛蒂已經和前鋒里卡多?奧里維拉談過話,打算讓他重返西甲。

Paulo ferreira could make a start at right - back with khalid boulerhouz taking a centre - back slot from jt or ricardo carvalho 費雷拉可能以右后衛先發,小博當中后衛,和jt或者卡瓦略一起。

But we have other players in the team we cannot touch - ricardo carvalho , john terry , didier drogba “不過我們在球隊里亦有不作他選的球員?里卡多卡瓦略、約翰特里和迪迪爾德羅巴。 ”

But if a country ' s god - given advantages were clear to ricardo , they are less so in modern practice 如果說一個國家的先天優勢在李嘉圖看來還是很清楚的,那么在現代實踐中則不盡如此[ / b ] 。

Jos mourinho has revealed that he has no intention of rushing injured central defender ricardo carvalho back into action 何塞穆里尼奧表明他不打算讓沒有痊愈的中后衛卡瓦略上場比賽。

That forced ricardo carvalho to play today after missing the second - half against newcastle with his ankle injury 這就迫使因為踝部受傷而缺席同紐卡下半場比賽的卡瓦略被迫帶傷上場。

Ricardo carvalho says it is “ incomprehensible “ that he was left out of chelsea ' s starting line - up on sunday at wigan 卡瓦略說他在周日對維甘的比賽中未能首發出場,感到不理解。

Then in the evening arjen robben ' s holland take on ricardo carvalho and paulo ferreira ' s portugal 而在晚上,阿揚?羅本將代表荷蘭對陣有里卡多?卡瓦略和保羅?費雷拉鎮守的葡萄牙。

Ricardo carvalho ' s injury will be assessed again when he returns from portugal when he will have another scan 等里卡多?卡瓦略從葡萄牙回來之后我們將對他的傷處再次進行掃描。

Modern radical economics grew from ricardo ( and the labor theory of value ) and found its canon on marx 現代激進經濟學淵源于李嘉圖(與勞動價值論) ,并從馬克思學說中獲得武器。

This boy ' s name is used in italian and spanish . it is a nickname of enrico and ricardo 找到我的咯沒想到我憑空想出來的這個英文名原來是意大利和西班牙男生用的。 。

As for the rest , both ancelotti and i have seen with our own eyes that ricardo is doing splendidly in training 我和安切羅蒂都看在眼里,里卡多在訓練里表現很出色。

Roma have completed the loan of french midfielder ricardo faty to ligue 2 outfit nantes 羅馬完成了法國中場球員里卡多?法蒂的出租手續,法蒂將為法乙的南特隊效力。

Milan ? the news couldn ' t be better : ricardo oliveira ' s sister , maria , is alive and well 米蘭沒有比這再好的消息了:里卡多奧里韋拉的姐姐,瑪麗亞,健康的活著。