
ribozyme n.【生物化學】核酶,酶性核糖核酸。


The recombinated plasmid was named pu54 . based on this material , 4 recombinated plasmids pu54 - a , pu54 - b , pu54 - c and pu54 - d were construted , which contained different cloning segments of ul54 gene . 11 m1gs ribozyme containing different gss designed to the target sequences of ul54 mrna were construted by pcr 從hcmvdna聚合酶ul54基因序列中搜尋了11個適合gs互補的靶位,人工核酶m1gs轉錄模板dna包含有t7啟動子、 m1rna基因、連接序列以及gs序列四個組成部分。

The detection of ribozyme gene with two cleavage sites that cleaves plrv replicase gene were present in the second part of this paper . a conserved sequence of 35s promoter of plrv was found in gene pools . two primers were designed based on the conserved sequence and bamh i and ribozyme gene . the genomic dna of potato was amplified by the primers through polymerase chain reaction ( pcr ) 從許多資料中報道的plrv的35s啟動子的序列中找出一段保守序列,然后根據與核酶緊密相連的bamh和這段保守序列設計兩段引物,用這兩段引物通過pcr擴增轉基因馬鈴薯的基因組dna ,并進行檢測。

Based on this consideration , we chose human colorectal cancer cell line ccl229 as the experimental object , down - regulating its grp94 expression by specific ribozyme targeting . we observed its effects on the biological characteristics of ccl229 and upr pathway , and gained further understand of the grp94 , upr and tumor relationship 基于此,我們選擇了人大腸癌細胞株ccl229作為研究對象,通過特異性核酶打靶的方式,下調細胞中grp94的表達水平,觀察其對人大腸癌細胞某些生物學特性及upr通路的影響,加深對grp94 、 upr和腫瘤這三者間關系的了解。

The fragments were subcloned into a low copy transcription vector ( px8dt ) between the t7 rna polymerase promoter and autocatalytic hepatitis delta virus ribozyme . the result showed that genome of ndv f48e9 strain comprises 15192 nt , which was equal to zjl strain and 6 nucleosides longer than that of la sota , v4 , bl and clone30 實驗結果表明: f48e9全基因組具有15192個堿基,比lasota 、 v4 、 b1和clone30的全基因組序列長6個堿基,和鵝源zj1株的長度相等。

Constructing human colorectal cancer cell line with stably down - regulated grp94 ( 1 ) the plasmid prc / rsv - ribol that contains specific grp94 - targeting ribozyme and the control plasmid prc / rsv were miniprepared , respectively , cleaved by endoenzyme pvuii 穩定下調grp94的人大腸癌細胞克隆株的構建( 1 )分別對含有特異性打靶grp94核酶的質粒prc rsv - ribo1和對照組質粒prc rsv進行小量提取、 pvu酶切鑒定。

Sequencing report of pcr product shows the ribozyme gene with two cleavage sites has already integrated into the genome of potato . and it also proved 35s promoter of prok2 was same as that of hajdukiewicz , p . and rna detection is going on 檢測結果證明:所擴增的dna包含核酶基因反轉錄后的dna ,證明核酶基因已被轉入馬鈴薯j - 1中;同時證明了轉基因的prok2的35s啟動子與hajdukiewicz , p等所公布的啟動子相同。

As indicated above , several m1gs that cleaved hcmv ul54 mrna segments in vitro were successfully designed and constructed . our studies demonstrates the utility of this ribozyme m1gs for antiviral application 我們的研究成功地利用引導序列,將核酶rnasep催化亞單位m1rna構建為序列識別的核酶m1gs ,證實了核酶在抗病毒方面的應用價值。

Construction of an expressing vector for antisense rna - ribozyme chimeric dna sequence against tomato acc synthase gene and transformation of tomato 核酶嵌合基因植物表達載體的構建及對番茄的轉化

The egs can be covalently linked to ml rna , the catalytic rna subunit of rnase p , forming a new kind of ribozyme , m1gs 將egs共價連接到m1rna的3末端成為附屬于m1rna的一段引導序列,稱為gs 。

A specific cis - hairpin ribozyme facilitates the infection in tobacco protoplasts 一個特殊的順式發夾核酶對感染煙草原生質體的影響

Ribozyme structural elements : group i introns 核酶結構元件

Ribozyme structural elements : hairpin ribozyme 核酶結構元件