
riboflavin n.【化學】核黃素,維生素 B2,維生素 G。


Surveys have found that children and adults who regularly eat breakfast have higher intakes of some vitamins and minerals - including iron ; calcium ; magnesium ; zinc ; the b vitamins , riboflavin and folate ; as well as vitamins a and d 調查發現,經常吃早餐的兒童和成年人可以攝入較高的維生素和礦物質其中包括鐵鈣鎂鋅b族維生素核黃素葉酸以及維生素

While the oxidation has little effect on milk ' s nutritional value and is not related to bacteria , fluorescent light does inactivate riboflavin vitamin b2 and ascorbic acid vitamin c 超市中柜臺中的熒光燈會導致牛奶變味,雖然對牛奶營養價值影響不大,但仍然對其中的維他命b2和c有影響。

Note also the cheilosis at the corners of the mouth from riboflavin deficiency as a result of the malabsorbtion that can occur with scleroderma 同時可見由于核黃素缺乏其嘴角出現唇干裂,此為硬皮病病人對核黃素吸收障礙所致。

Fad ( flavin adenine dinucleotide ) a derivative of riboflavin that is a coenzyme in electron - transfer reactions 黃素腺嘌呤二核苷酸( fad ) :核黃素的衍生物,在電子傳遞反應中是一種輔酶,它作為各種脫氫酶的輔助基團起作用。

Fmn ( flavin mononucleotide ) a derivative of riboflavin that is a coenzyme in electron - transfer reactions 黃素單核苷酸( fmn ) :核黃素的衍生物,在電子傳遞反應中是一種輔酶,作為多種脫氫酶的輔助因子起作用。

Vary among fruits and vegetables . examples include vitamin a , folic acid , riboflavin and vitamin c 不同蔬果含不同維他命,例如維他命a葉酸核黃素及維他命c 。

Effects of riboflavin on myocardial ischemia injury induced by isoproterenol in rats 核黃素對異丙腎上腺素誘導的大鼠心肌缺血性損傷的影響

Synthesis of riboflavin tetrapropanate by solid superacid sulphate ion on zirconium dioxide 2催化合成核黃素四丙酸酯的研究

Riboflavin phosphate sodium 核黃素苷酸鈉

Rich in protein , phosphorus , potassium , riboflavin and vitamin a and d 含豐富蛋白質、磷、鉀、核黃素及維他命a和d 。

Determination of riboflavin in foods 食品中核黃素的測定

B2 food additive . riboflavin vitamin b2 食品添加劑核黃素

You know , it ' s filled with lots of vitamin c and riboflavin 你知道,它充滿維生素c和維生素b2

Method for determination of riboflavin in foods 食物中核黃素的測定方法

Feed additive riboflavin flowing particle 飼料添加劑維生素b2核黃素流動性微粒