
riband n.〔古、英〕=ribbon.


With these words he approached the goblet to his lips , took a complacent draught of the cordial , slicked his hair and , opening his bosom , out popped a locket that hung from a silk riband that very picture which he had cherished ever since her hand had wrote therein 言訖,彼將杯湊至唇邊,以心滿意足之神態,飲甘露酒少許,撫發袒胸,拽出絲帶所系之小匣。匣內嵌有女友親筆題字之相片。

The wheels of the dairyman s spring - cart , as he sped home from market , licked up the pulverized surface of the highway , and were followed by white ribands of dust , as if they had set a thin powder - train on fire 奶牛場老板坐著帶彈簧的雙輪馬車從市場回家,馬車跑得飛快,車輪的后面帶起一股白色的塵土,好像是點燃了的一條細長的火藥引線一樣。

The wide acreage of blank agricultural brownness , apparent where the swedes had been pulled , was beginning to be striped in wales of darker brown , gradually broadening to ribands 在蘿卜被拔走以后,那一大片土地上什么也沒有了,只剩下褐色的土地,現在上面又開始出現了深褐色的帶狀條紋,這條長帶慢慢地變得越來越寬了。

This series of machine is suitable for materials including : riband , cotton tape , rubber tape , nylon tape , paper tape and adhesive tape 本系列機械適應材料:絲帶、棉帶、膠帶、尼龍帶、紙帶、不干膠帶等卷裝帶類。

When i untied the riband , parents with me live through those goodliness time had rayed in my brain 在我解開絲帶時,父母和我共度的那些美好時光浮現在我腦海。

Beat sb . to ribands 大大超過某物

Beat all to ribands 大大超過某物

I ll tie the riband “我來系好帽帶。

First fold each riband for one time . leave space for a square 先把每條絲帶折疊一次,注意留出一個正方形的位置。

Turn the riband around . finalize the design of cross 把花結反過來,織十字架定型,就織好了。

Take out 4 ribands about 40 centimeters long 拿出四條大約40厘米的絲帶。