
ribaldry n.下流;下流話,猥褻話;下流的笑話。


When fate wronged me , i had not the wisdom to remain cool : i turned desperate ; then i degenerated . now , when any vicious simpleton excites my disgust by his paltry ribaldry , i cannot flatter myself that i am better than he : i am forced to confess that he and i are on a level 當命運虧待了我時,我沒有明智地保持冷靜,我開始絕望,隨后墜落了,現在要是一個可惡的傻瓜用卑俗的下流話激起我的厭惡,我并不以為我的表現會比他好些,我不得不承認我與他彼此彼此而已。

The presence even for a moment among a party of debauchees of a woman endued with every quality of modesty and not less severe than beautiful refrained the humorous sallies even of the most licentious but her departure was the signal for an outbreak of ribaldry 一賢淑端莊容貌標致之淑女一時出現于蕩子群中,彼等淫蕩之徒便即刻收斂其輕佻猥褻。然而俟伊退出后,穢言穢語剎那間重新爆發。

The agony, the reverence, the love of god and of humanity in his voice, are beyond belief in this man, who minutes before was performing the rawest ribaldry . 幾分鐘之前這個人還在講著最粗鄙的下流話,現在他聲音里卻充滿了對于上帝和人類的敬畏與熱愛,這簡直是令人難以相信的。